Page:History of Greece Vol IX.djvu/173

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SUBMISSION OF THE ARMY. 151 daemonian harmosts in the other cities to do the same, proclaiming us lawless and disobedient to Sparta, if, besides, the same repre- sentation should be conveyed to the Lacedaemonian admiral of the fleet, Anaxibius, we shall be hard pressed either to remain or to sail away ; for the Lacedaemonians are at present masters, both on land and at sea. 1 We must not, for the sake of any one or two men, suffer the whole army to be excluded from Greece. We must obey whatever the Lacedaemonians command, especially as our cities, to which we respectively belong, now obey them. As to what con- cerns myself, I understand that Dexippus has told Kleander that Agasias would never have taken such a step except by my orders. Now, if Agasias himself states this, I am ready to exonerate both him and all of you, and to give myself up to any extremity of pun- ishment. I maintain too, that any other man whom Kleander arraigns, ought in like manner to give himself up for trial, in order that you collectively may be discharged from the imputation. It will be hard indeed, if just as we are reaching Greece, we should not only be debarred from the praise and honor which we antici pated, but should be degraded even below the level of others, and shut out from the Grecian cities." 2 After this speech from the philo-Laconian Xenophon, so sig- nificant a testimony of the unmeasured ascendency and interference of the Lacedaemonians throughout Greece, Agasias rose and pro- claimed, that what he had done was neither under the orders, nor with the privity, of Xenophon ; that he had acted on a personal impulse of wrath, at seeing his own honest and innocent soldier dragged away by the traitor Dexippus ; but that he now willingly gave himself up as a victim, to avert from the army the displeasure of the Lacedaemonians. This generous self-sacrifice, which at the 1 Xen. Anab. vi, 6, 12, 13. ~Elal (J.EV yap fj8r) kyyvc; al 'E/l/l7?v5-f Tro/letf TTJ<; <5' 'EAAadof AaKedaipovio irpoeaTTjKaaiv' luavol 6s elai teal eZf l/caorof Aa/cecS aiuoviuv iv ralg iroheatv o, TI Povhovral dianparr ea&ai. El ovv ovrof rrp&Tov //ev rmaq Bvfavr/W airoKheiast, ETteiTa 6e TOLQ d/Uotf up/Ltocralf ira.payye7.El elf raf TroAeif JJ.TI de^eatfat, <if uTnaTOvvrac AaKe6ai/j.ovioif nal ivopovs bvraf ETI 6e npbf 'A.val;i(3tov rbv vavap%ov OVTO<; b Adycsf T tpl if/i,ijv T/Zei xafanbv larai nal [isveiv KOI uTrotrTielv ' Kal yap Iv r yy apxovat Aa/c sdaifi 6 v t,t> I Kal iv TTJ &ahuT r/ y rbv vvv ypovov .

  • Xen. Anab. vi, 6, 12-16.