Page:History of Greece Vol IX.djvu/207

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RESISTANCE OVERAWED. 185 of Sparta, were subjected to the same intestine revolution and the same foreign constraint. 1 Everywhere the new Lysandrian dekar- chy superseded the previous governments, whether oligarchical or democratical. At Thasus, as well as in other places, this revolution was not accomplished without much bloodshed as well as treacherous stratagem, nor did Lysander himself scruple to enforce, personally and by his own presence, the execution and expulsion of suspected citizens. 2 In many places, however, simple terrorism probably sufficed. The new Lysandrian Ten overawed resistance and pro- cured recognition of their usurpation by the menace of inviting the victorious admiral with his fleet of two hundred sail, and by the simple arrival of the Lacedaemonian harmpst. Not only was each town obliged to provide a fortified citadel and maintenance for this governor with his garrison, but a scheme of tribute, amounting to one thousand talents annually, was imposed for the future, and assessed ratably upon each city by Lysander. 3 In what spirit these new dekarchies would govern, consisting as they did of picked oligarchical partisans distinguished for au- dacity and ambition, 4 who, to all the unscrupulous lust of power which characterized Lysander himself, added a thirst for personal gain, from which he was exempt, and were now about to reimburse 1 Plutarch, Lysand. c. 13. KaraTiVuv tie rove 6f/fj.ovf Kal rug a/Maj Tro/Umaf, eva (JLEV ap/LioaTTjv EKIIO TTJ A.aKe6ai/novioi> KareTinre, delta Se apxovraf tic TUV vn j avrov vuv ar<i 7ro/Uv eraipeiuv. Kal ravra irpdrruv 6/j.oiuf Iv re Kal ralf av (tpaxote y sy EV TJ HEVCLIS ironed, irape- rponov rtva KaraaKeva^6/j.evof eavrti TTJV T% 'EA/lddof fiyefio viav. Compare Xen. Hellen. ii, 2, 2-5 ; Diodor. xiii, 3, 10, 13. 2 Plutarch, Lysand. c. 13. Tro/lAaif Tra.payiv6fj.evot; avrbf atyayaif Kal ovv- endaTiXuv roi)f TUV ipihuv ^i?poi)f OVK hieiKec kdi&ov rotf "E^rjffi delypc rrjf AaKedaiftovtuv upx^c, etc. Plutarch, Lysand. c. 14. Kal TUV fiev aXkuv iroXsuv opaXuf {ntaauv KOTf^ve Tug Tro/Uretaf /cat nadicr?) denadapxiag' JTO^UV psv Iv sudany a<j>ar- To/tevuv, Ti-o/l/lwv Je tyevyovruv, etc. About the massacre at Thasus, see Cornelius Nepos. Lysand. c. 2 ; Poly- sen, i, 45,4. Compare Plutarch, Lysand. c. 19; and see Vol. VIII, Ch. Lxv, p. 220 of this History. 3 Diador. xiv, 10. Compare Isokrates, Or. iv, (Panegyr.) s. 151 ; Xen Hellen. iv, 8, 1. 4 Plutarch, Lysand. c. 13. TOV A.vadv8pov ruv 6/U'ywv role HOI (