Page:History of Greece Vol VI.djvu/13

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CONTENTS. nj netans settle at, Thyrea in Peloponnesus. The Athenians invade and ravage the Megarid : sufferings of the Megarians. Measures taken by Athens for permanent defence. Sum put by in the acropolis, against urgent need, not to be touched unless under certain denned dangers. Capital punishment against any who should propose otherwise. lie- marks on this decree. Blockade of Potidaea Sitalkes king of the Odrysian Thracians alliance made between him and Athens. Peri- kles is chosen orator to deliver the funeral discourse over the citizens slain during the year. Funeral oration of Perikles. Sketch of Athe- nian political constitution, and social life, as conceived by Perikles. Eulogy upon Athens and the Athenian character. Mutual tolerance of diversity of tastes and pursuits in Athens. It is only true partially and in some memorable instances that the state interfered to an exorbitant degree with individual liberty in Greece. Free play of individual taste and impulse in Athens importance of this phenomenon in society. Extraordinary and many-sided activity of Athens. Peculiar and interest- ing moment at which the discourse of Perikles was delivered. Athens now at the maximum of her power declining tendency commences soon afterwards , . 75-153 CHAPTER XL IX. t'KOM THE BEGINNING OF THE SECOND YEAR DOWN TO THE END OF TUB THIKD YEAR OF THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR. Barren results of the operations during the first year of war. Second in- vasion of Attica by the Peloponnesians more spreading and ruinous than the first. Commencement of the pestilence or epidemic at Athens. Description of the epidemic by Thucydides his conception of the duty of exactly observing and recording. Extensive and terrible suf- fering of Athens. Inefficacy of remedies despair and demoralization of the Athenians. Lawless recklessness of conduct engendered. Great loss of life among the citizens blow to the power of Athens. Athenian armament sent first against Peloponnesus, next, against Potidsea it is attacked and ruined by the epidemic. Irritation of the Athenians under their sufferings and losses they become incensed against Perikles his unshaken firmness in defending himself. Athenian public assembly last speech of Perikles his high tone of self-esteem against the public discontent. Powerful effect of his address new resolution shown for eontmuing the war nevertheless, the discontent against Perikles still continues. He is accused and condemned in a fine. Old age of Peri- kles his family misfortunes and suffering. He is refilected strategus restored to power and to the confidence of the people. Last moments and death of Perikles. His life and character. Judgment of Thu- cydides respecting Perikles. Earlier and later political life of Perikles how far the one differed from the other. Accusation against Perikles of having corrupted the Athenian people untrue, and not believed by Thucydides. Great progress and improvement of the Athenians under Perikles. Perikles is not to blame for the Peloponnesian war. Operations of war languid, under the pressure of the epidemic. Attack of the Ambra- kiots on the Amphilochian Argos : the Athenian Phormio is sent with a

squadron to Naupaktus. Injury done to Athenian commerce by Pelo-