Page:History of Greece Vol VI.djvu/20

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CONTENTS. CHAPTER LIV. TRUCK FOll ONF YEAR. REXEWA*. OF WAR AND BAT1LE OF OLI8. PEACE OF XIKIA8. Eighth year of tlie war began with most favorable promise for Athens - closed with great reverses to her. Desire of Spartans to make peace in order to regain the captives they decline sending reinforcements to Brasidas. King Pleistoanax at Sparta eager for peace his special reasons his long banishment recently terminated by recall. Negotia- tions during the winter of 424-423 B.C. for peace. Truce for one year concluded, in March 423 n.c Conditions of the truce. Resolution to open negotiations for a definitive treaty. New events in Thrace revolt of Skione from Athens to Brasidas, two days after the truce was sworn. Brasidas crosses over to Skione his judicious conduct enthusiastic admiration for him there. Brasidas brings across reinforcements to Skione he conveys away the women and children into a place of safety. Commissioners from Sparta and Athens arrive in Thrace, to announce to Brasidas the truce just concluded. Dispute respecting Skione. The war continues in Thrace, but is suspended everywhere else. Revolt of Mende from Athens Brasidas receives the offers of the Mendseans engages to protect them and sends to them a garrison against Athens. He departs upon an expedition against Arrhibaeus in the interior of Ma- cedonia. Nikias and Nikostratus arrive with an Athenian armament in Pallene. They attack Mende. The Lacedaemonian garrison under Po- lydamidas at first repulses them. Dissensions among the citizens of Mende mutiny of the Demos against Polydamidas the Athenians are admitted into the town. The Athenians besiege and blockade Nikias leaves a blockading force there, and returns to Athens. Expedi- tion of Brasidas along with Perdikkas into Macedonia against Arrhi- bseus. Retreat of Brasidas and Perdikkas before the Illyrians. Ad- dress of Brasidas to his soldiers before the retreat. Contrast between Grecian and barbaric military feeling. Appeal of Brasidas to the right of conquest or superior force. The Dlyrians attack Brasidas in his re- treat, but are repulsed. Breach between Brasidas and Perdikkas : the latter opens negotiations with the Athenians. Relations between Athens and the Peloponnesians no progress made towards definitive peace Lacedaemonian reinforcement on its way to Brasidas, prevented from passing through Thessaly. Incidents in Peloponnesus the temple of H6re near Argos accidentally burnt. War in Arcadia battle between Mantineia and Tegea. Boeotians at peace de facto, though not parties to the trace. Hard treatment of the Thespians by Thebes. Expira- rion of the truce for one year. Disposition of both Sparta and Athens at that time towards peace ; but peace impossible in consequence of the relations of parties in Thrace. No actual resumption of hostilities, al- though the truce had expired, from the month of March to the Pythian festival in August. Alteration in the language of statesmen at Athens instances of Kleon and his partisans to obtain a vigorous prosecution of the war in Thrace. Brasidas an opponent of peace his views and motives. Kleon an opponent of peace his views and motives as stated by Thucydides. Kleon had no personal interest in war. To prosecute the war vigorously in Thrace was at this time the real political

interest of Athens. Question of peace or war, as it stood between Nikias