Page:History of Greece Vol VI.djvu/513

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PEACE OF NIKIAS. 49] management of the temple ; a claim which the Athenians had once supported, before the thirty years' truce : but they had now little interest in the matter, since the Phocians were in the ranka of their enemies.] 3. There shall be peace for fifty years, between Athens and Sparta with their respective allies, with abstinence from mischief, either overt or fraudulent, by land as well as by sea. 4. Neither party shall invade for purposes of mischief the territory of the other, not by any artifice or under any pre- tence. Should any subject of difference arise, it shall be settled by equitable means, and by oaths tendered and taken, in form to be .ereafter agreed on. 5. The Lacedaemonians and their allies shall restore Am- t hipolis to the Athenians. They shall farther relinquish to the Athenians Argilus, Sta- geirus, Akanthus, Skolus, Olynthus, and Spartolus. But these cities shall remain autonomous, on condition of paying tribute to Athens according to the assessment of Aristeides. Any of their citizens who may choose to quit them shall be at liberty to do so, and to carry away his property. Nor shall the cities be counted hereafter either as allies of Athens or of Sparta, unless Athens shall induce them by amicable persuasions to become her allies, which she is at liberty to do if she can. The inhabitants of Mekyberna, Sane, and Singe, shall dwell independently in their respective cities, just as much as the Olynthians and Akanthians. [These were towns which adhered to Athens, and were still numbered as her allies ; though they were near enough to be molested by Olynthus 1 and Akanthus, against which this clause was intended to insure them.] 1 Compare v, 39 with v, 18, which seems to me to refute the explanatiou suggested by Dr. Arnold, and adopted by Poppo. The use of the word inrodovTuv in regard to the restoration of Amphip- oils to Athens, and of the word vapedoaav in regard to the relinqutshment of the other cities, deserves notice. Those who drew up the treaty, which is worded in a very confused way, seem to have intended that the word irape- doaav should apply both to Amphipolis and the other cities, but that the word uKodovruv should apply exclusively to Amphipolis. The word Ttape-

ioaav is of course apph *able to the restoration of Amphipolis, for that whicb