Page:History of Greece Vol VII.djvu/101

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I5ATTLE OF MANTiNEIA. 83 the opportunity which Argos now had of recovering her lost ascendency in Peloponnesus, and of revenging herself upon her worst enemy and neighbor. The Athenian troops were exhorted to show themselves worthy of the many brave allies with whom they were now associated, as well as to protect their own territory and empire by vanquishing their enemy in Pelopon- nesus. It illustrates forcibly the peculiarity of Lacedaemonian char- acter, that to them no similar words of encouragement were addressed either by Agis or any of the officers. " They knew (says the historian 1 ) that long practice beforehand in the business of war, was a better preservative than fine speeches on the spur of the moment." As among professional soldiers, bravery was assumed as a thing of course, without any special exhortation : but mutual suggestions were heard among them with a view to get their order of battle and position perfect, which at first it probably was not, from the sudden and hurried manner in which they had been constrained to form. Moreover, various war- songs, perhaps those of Tyrta3us, were chanted in the ranks. At length the word was given to attack : the numerous pipers in attendance an hereditary casto at Sparta began to play, while the slow, solemn, and equable march of the troops adjusted itself to the time given by these instruments without any break or wavering in the line. A striking contrast to this deliberate pace was presented by the enemy : who having no pipers or other nusical instruments, rushed forward to the charge with a step vehement and even furious, 2 fresh from the exhortations just addressed to them. It was the natural tendency of all Grecian armies, when coming Into conflict, to march not exactly straight forward, but somewhat 1 Thucyd. v, 69. Aa.K6ai/j.dvioi 6s /ca$' iKaorovf TS Kal JJ.ETU. TUV fiLKuv VQ/J.UV iv atpiciv avroif uv rj^la-avro TJJV mzpa/ce/let'ow <ij'ai9wf ovaiv ETTOIOVVTO, etJoref epyuv K TtoUoii fieT^KTTjv irheiu Gu&vcrav f/ Auyuv (St' oAiyon saAdif prj&Evruv irapaiveaiv. 3 Thucyd. v, 70. 'ApyeZoi fj.ev Kal oi i>/j.uaxoi, ivrovuf Kal bp aKc6aifiuvioi 6e, j3pa6eug Kal vitb av?ir]Tuv iroAhuv vo/ia rov #Ei'0u %apiv, u7,A? iv a Afiakuf fj.era {>v&[tov Baivovr O.VTUV 7] ru^ir, oTrep <j>tA,el ra jUeyaAa crparoiTsdct hi ~ui.r iroo
