Page:History of Greece Vol VIII.djvu/16

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Cyrus. Violent revolution at Miletus by the partisans of Lysandcr. Cyrus goes to visit his dying father confides his tributes to Lysander Inaction of the Athenian fleet after the battle of Arginusae. Opera- tions of Lysander. Both fleets at the Hellespont. Athenian fleet ai ^Egospotami. Battle of .^Egospotami surprise and capture of the entire Athenian fleet. Capture of the Athenian commanders, all except Konon. Slaughter of the captive generals and prisoners. The Athe- nian fleet supposed to have been betrayed by its own commanders. Distress and agony at Athens, when the defeat of .ZEgospotami was made known there. Proceedings of Lysander. Miserable condition of the Athenian klernchs, and of the friends of Athens in the allied dependen- cies. Suffering in Athens. Amnesty proposed by Patrokleides, and adopted. Oath of mutual harmony sworn in the acropolis. Arrival of Lysander. Athens is blocked up by sea and land. Resolute holding- out of the Athenians their propositions for capitulating are refused. Pretences of Theramenes he is sent as envoy his studied delay. Misery and famine in Athens death of Kleophon. The famine becomes intolerable Theramenes is sent to obtain peace on any terms debate about the terms at Sparta. Peace is granted by Sparta, against the general sentiment of the allies. Surrender of Athens extreme wretchedness number of deaths from famine. Lysander enters Athens return of the exiles demolition of the Long Walls dismantling of Peiraeus fleet given up. The exiles and the oligarchi- cal party in Athens their triumphant behavior and devotion to Lysan- der. Kritias and other exiles past life of Kritias. Kritias at the head of the oligarchs at Athens. Oligarchical leaders named at Athens. Seizure of Strombichides and other eminent democrats. Nomination of the Thirty, under the dictation of Lysander. Conquest of Samos by Lysander oligarchy restored there. Triumphant return of Lysander to Sparta his prodigious ascendency throughout Greece. Proceed- ings of the Thirty at Athens feelings of oligarchical men like Plato. The Thirty begin their executions Strombichides and the imprisoned generals put to death other democrats also. Senate appointed by the Thirty is only trusted to act under their intimidation. Numerous executions without trial. The senate began by condemning willingly everyone brought before them. Discord among the Thirty dissen- tient views of Kritias and Theramenes. Lacedaemonian garrison intro- duced multiplied executions by Kritias and the Thirty. Opposition of Theramenes to these measures violence and rapacity still farther increased rich and oligarchical men put to death. Plan of Kritias to gain adherents by forcing men to become accomplices in deeds of blood resistance of Sokrates. Terror and discontent in the city the Thirty nominate a body of Three Thousand as partisan hoplites. They disarm the remaining hoplites of the city. Murders and spolia- tions by the Thirty. Seizure of the Metics. Seizure of Lysias the rhetor and his brother Polemarchus. The former escapes the latter is executed. Increased exasperation of Kritias and the majority of the Thirty against Theramenes. Theramenes is denounced ty Kritias in the Senate speech of Kritias. Reply of Theramenes. Extreme violence of Kritias and the Thirty. Condemnation of Theramenes. Death of Theramenes remarks on his character. Increased tyranny of Kritias and the Thirty. The Thirty forbid intellectual teaching. Sokrates and the Thirty. Growing insecurity of the Thirty. Gradual alteration of feeling in Greece, since the capture of Athens. Demand by the allies of Sparta to share in the spoils of the war refused In