Page:History of Greece Vol VIII.djvu/296

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274 HISTORY OF GREECE Kallistratus, made prisoner in one of their marches to the neigtk boring villages. 1 In the established civil war which now raged in Attica, Thra- sybulus and the exiles in Peiraeus had decidedly the advantage ; maintaining the offensive, while the Ten in Athens, and the remainder of the Thirty at Eleusis, were each thrown upon their defence. The division of the oligarchical force into these two sections doubtless weakened both, while the democrats in Peiraeus were hearty and united. Presently, however, the arrival of a Spartan auxiliary force altered the balance of parties. Lysander, whom the oligarchical envoys had expressly requested to be sent to them as general, prevailed with the ephors to grant their request While he himself went to Eleusis and got together a Peloponnesian land-force, his brother Libys conducted a fleet of forty triremes to block up Peineus, and one hundred talents were lent to the Athenian oligarchs out of the large sum recently brought from Asia into the Spartan treasury.- The arrival of Lysander brought the two sections of oligarchs in Attica again into cooperation, restrained the progress of Thra- sybulus, and even reduced Peiraeus to great straits by preventing all entry of ships or stores. Nor could anything have prevented it from being reduced to surrender, if Lysander had been allowed free scope in his operations. But the general sentiment of Greece had by this time become disgusted with his ambitious policy, and with the oligarchies which he had everywhere set up as his instruments ; a sentiment not without influence on the feelings of the leading Spartans, who, already jealous of his ascendency, were determined not to increase it farther by allow- ing him to conquer Attica a second time, in order to plant his own creatures as rulers at Athens. 3 1 Xenoph. Hcllen. ii, 4, 27.

  • Xenoph. Hellen. ii, 4, 28 ; Diodor. xiv, 33 ; Lysias, Orat. xii, cont.

Kratosth. s. 60. 3 Xenoph. Hellen. ii, 4. 29. Ovru 6e irpoxupovvruv, Ilavaaviac 6 (3affihti);, Qdovfiaac Avaavfipu, el KaTeipyaapsvof ravra up.a [*ev eufioKifiqaoi, upa As iSiaf TrciijffoiTO rdf 'Ai3^vaf, irelaaf TUV 'E(j>6puv rptif, e$dyei <ppovpdv. Diodor. xiv, 33. Havaaviae de , tydoviiv TV A.vadv6p( f > t 'devpiJt k TV 'LndpTijv udo^ovaav Trapa role 'E^tjai, etc. Plntarch, Lysand. c. 21.