Page:History of Greece Vol XII.djvu/24

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^i CONTENlb. CHAPTER XCVI. FllOM IHE LAMIAN WAR TO THE CLOSE OF THE HISTORY OF IBEE HELLAS AND HELLENISM. Antipater purges and remodels the Peloponnesian cities. He attacks the JEtolians, with a view of deporting them across to Asia. His presence becomes necessary in Asia: he concludes a pacification with the ^to- limis. — Plans of Perdikkas — intrigues with the princesses at Pella. — Antigonus detects the intrigues, and reveals them to Antipater and Kra- terus. — Unpropitious turn of fortune for the Greeks, in reference to the Lamian war. — Antipater and Kraterus in Asia — Perdikkas marches to attack Ptolemy in Egypt, but is killed by a mutiny of his own troops. Union of Antipater, Ptolemy, Antigonus, etc. New distribution of the satrapies, made at Triparadeisus. — War between Antigonus and Eume- nes in Asia. Energy and ability of Eumenes. He is worsted and block- ed up in Nora. — Sickness and death of Antipater. The Athenian ora- tor Demades is put to death in Macedonia — Antipater sets aside his son Kassander, and names Polysperchon viceroy. Discontent and oppo- sition of Kassander. — Kassander sets up for himself, gets possession of Munvchia, and forms alliance with Ptolemy and Antigonus against Po- lysperchon. Plans of Polysperchon — alliance with Olympias in Europe, and with Eumenes in Asia — enfranchisement of the Grecian cities. — Ineffectual attemps of Eumenes to uphold the imperial dynasty in Asia: his gallantry and ability : he is betrayed by his own soldiers, and slain by Antigonus. — Edict issued by Polysperchon at Pella, in the name of the imperial dynasty — subverting the Antipatrian oligarchies in the Grecian cities, restoring political exiles, and granting free constitutions to each. — Letters and measures of Polysperchon to enforce the edict. 8tate of Athens: exiles returning: complicated political parties : danger of Phokion. — Negotiations of the Athenians with Nikaribr, governor of Munychia for Kassander. — Nikanor seizes Peiraeus by surprise. Pho- kion, though forewarned, takes no precautions against it. — Mischief to the Athenians, as well as to Polysperchon, from Nikanor's occupation of Peirseus ; culpable negligence, and probable collusion, of Phokion. — Arri- val of Alexander (son of Polysperchon): his treacherous policy to the Athenians: Kassander repxhes Peiraeus. — Intrigues of Phokion with Al- exander — ^^he tries to secure for himself the protection of Alexander against the Athenians. — Return of the deported exiles to Athens — public vote passed in the Athenian assembly against Phokion and his colleagues. Phokion leaves the city, is protected by Alexander, and goes to meet Polysperchon in Phokis. — Agnonides and others are sent as deputies to Polysperchon, to accuse Phokion and to claim the benefit of the regal edict. — Agnonides and Phokion are heard before Polysperchon — Pho- kion and his colleagues are delivered up as prisoners to the Athenians. Phokion is conveyed as prisoner to Athens, and brought for trial before the assembly. Motion of his friends for exclusion of non-qualified per sons. — Intense exasperation of the returned exiles against Phokion — grounds for that teeling. — Phokion is condemned to death — vindictive manifestation against him in the assembly, furious and unanimous. — Death of Phokion and his four colleagues. — Alteration of the sentiment of the Athenians towards Phokion, not long afterwards. Honors shown