Page:History of Greece Vol XII.djvu/51

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REMONSTRANCES AT ATHENS 19 employing the nautical equipments and seamen of Athens for the augmentation of the Macedonian navy.^ Let those speakers who are perpetually admonishing us to observe the convention (the orator contends), prevail on the imperial chief to set the example of observing it on his part. ] too impress upon you the like observance. To a democi-acy nothing is more essential than scrupulous regard to equity and justice.'-' But the convention itself enjoins all its members to make war against transgressors ; and pursuant to this article, you ought to make war against Macedon.^ Be assured that all Greeks will see that the war is neither directed against them nor brought on by your fault.^ At this juncture, such a step for the maintenance of your own freedom as well as Hellenic freedom generally, will be not less opportune and advantageous than it is just.^ The time is come for shaking off your disgraceful submis- sion to others, and your oblivion of our own past dignity.® If you encourage me, I am prepared to make a formal motion — To declare war against the violators of the convention, as the convention itself directs."^ A formal motion for declaring war would have brought upon ' Demosth. (or Pseudo-Demosth.) Orat. De Fcedere Alex. p. 219.

  • Demosth. ib. p. 211. ol^ai. yap ov6ev ovtu rolq drifioKpaTovfievoic: TrperEiv,

<.'){• Tzepl Tu laov mil ru dinaiov airovdu^eiv. I give here the main sense, witliout binding myself to tlie exact phrases. ^ Demosth. ib. p. 213. kgl yap tri Tzpocyiypa-rai Iv ral^ avvOi'/Kair, 7ro/le- (itov elvai, rbv inelva inrep 'AAt^avSpog Troiovvra, urrdai roig T;;f eip^vr/g KOt- vuvovai, Kat rijv x'^l"^" nvTov, Kal aTparevea&ai e;r' avrov unavrac. Com- pare p. 214 init.

  • Demosth. ib. p. 217. ohdel^ vfilv tyiia7iEaEi ttote tuv 'EX/ir/vuv ug upa nape-

iiTjTE TL tCiv KOLvy u/ioXoytjT&ivTuv, aA.7.a Kal X^^P^^ 'i^ovaiv on fiovoL e^riX- iy^are -oi'f rai'ra noiovvTac, etc.

  • Demosth. ib. p. 214. vvvl 6 or eI^ ravrb diKainv ufia Kal o Kaipbg Kal to

avfKpEpov avv6E6pufiT]KEv, u?i2.ov upa tlvu xpoiov uvafiEvFiTE rrjc l^iac iXcv- •Qspiar ixjia Kal T)jc tCjv uAZuv 'EaTJ^tjvuv uvTi?iai3E(j&ai ; ' Demosth. ib. p. 220. eI upa ttote Sel namaiT&ai aiaxpu^ iripni^ ukoIov- ^ovvrac, uXka firjd' uva/iPTjadi/vai fnide/xiuc (l)t?iOTt/xla( tuv l^ upxaiorurov Kal TV?iEiaTOV Kal p.u.7.LaTa tvuvtuv uv&puivuv 7/ VTrapxovauv. ' Demosth. (or Pseudo-Demosth.) Orat. De Fcedere Alex, iav ovv ke7.ev- tre, yputpu, Ka&unFp ai avv&riKat keXevovcl, iroAEfiEiv tol^ irapajSEfirjKi'aiv,