Page:History of Greece Vol XII.djvu/551

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CARTHAGINIAN. 519 CHARl-S. at, X. 400 ; intervention of, in Sicily, B. C. 410, X. 401 seq.; and Dionys- ius. X. 409, 473, 481. 483; distress nt, on the failure of Imilkon's ex- pedition against Syracuse, x 511 ; danger of, from her revolted Lilj- van suhjects, b. c. 394, x. 511; bionysius renews the war with, xi. 41 seq.; Dionysius concludes an unfavorable peace with, xi. 42 ; new war of Dionysius witii, xi. 44 ; danger from, to Syracuse, b. c. 344, xi. 134 ; operations of Agathoklcs on tiie eastern coast of, xii. 419 seq ; sedition of Boniiliiar at, xii. 435. C>irtha<jinian invasion of Sicily, b. c. 480, V. 221 seq. ; fleet, entrance of, into the Great Harbor of Syra- cuse, X. 498. Carthaginians, and Phenicians, differ- ence between the aims of, iii. 275 ; and Greeks, first known collision between, iii. 348; peace of, with Gelo. after the battle of the Himera. V. 225 ; and Egestieans, victory of. over the Selinuntines. x. 404; blockade and capture of Agrigen- lum by, X. 405 s«7.; phinderof Sy- racuse by. X. 482; in Sicily, expe- dition of Dionysius against, x. 483 seq.; naval victory of, offKatana, X. 495 ; before Syracuse, x. 499 seq., 506 seq.; defeat of, in the Great Harbor of Syracuse, x. 501 ; in Sicily, frequency of pestilence among, xi. 1 ; purchase the robe of the Lakinian Here, xi. 23 ; and Hipponium, xi. 43 ; invade Sicilv, B. c. 340, xi. 170, 171 ; Timolcon's victory over, at the Krimesus, xi. 1 74 .'ieq. ; peace of Timoleon with, xi. 182; their defence of Agrigen- tum against Agathokles, xii. 406 seq.; victory of, over Agathokles at the Himera, xii. 408 seq. ; re- cover great part of Sicily from Agathokles, xii. 409 ; expedition of Agathokles to Africa against, xii. 410 seq.; religious terror of after the defeat of Hanno and Bo- milkar, xii. 418 : success of, against Agathokles in Numidia, xii. 427 : viclories of, over Archagathus, xii. 439; Archagathus blocked up at Tunes by, xii. 439, 441 ; victory of, over Agathokles near Tunes, xii. 442; nocturnal panic ill the camp of, near Tunes, xii. 442 ; the army of Agathokles capitulate with, after his desertion, xii. 443. Caspian Gates, xii. 182 n. 2. Castes, Egyptian, iii. 314 seq. Catalogue in the Iliad, i. 290 seq., ii. 157. Cato the elder, and Kleon, vi. 485 n., 486 n. Census, nature and duration of the Solonian, x. 113 seq.; in the ar- chonship of Nausinikus, x. 114seg. Centaur Nessus, i. 151. Centimanes, i. 8. Ceremonies, religious, a source of mythes, i. 62, 63. Cestus, iv. 57 n. 2. Chahrias, defeat of Gorgopas by, i.x. 375; proceedings of between b. c. 387-378, X. 105; at Thebes, x. 127 ; victory of, near Naxos. x. 130 seq.; at Corinth, x. 258; in Egypt, x. 361, 362; and Charidemus, x. 379; death of, xi. -^23. Choreas, viii. 30, 46. Charoneia, victory of the Thebans over Onomarchus at, xi. 257: bat- tle of, B. C. 338, xi. 498 seq. ChaJdaean priests and Alexander, xii. 249, 254. Chaldaeans, iii. 290 seq. Chalkedon and Alkibiades, viii. 126, 132. Chalkidens, expedition of, to Chios, vii. 370, 371 seq.; and Tissapher- nes, treaty between, vii. 376 ; de- feat and death of, vii. 385. ClinJkidians, Tbracian, iv. 22 seq., vi. 183, 396; of Eubcea, successes of Athens against, iv. 170. Clialkidike, success of Timotheus in, x. 294 ; three expeditions from Athens to, b. c. 349-348, xi. 334 n., 349; success of Philip in, xi. 350 seq.. 36 1. Chalkis, iii. 164 seq.; retirement of the Greek fleet to, on the loss of three triremes, v. 80. Chafi/bes, iii. 252, ix. 106 seq., 110. Champions, select, clian^'e in Grecian opinions respecting, ii. 451. Chaonians. iii. 413 seq. Chaos, i. 4; and her offspring, i. 4. Chares, assistance of, to Phlius, x. 272 ; recall of. from Corinth, x.