CYRUS THE YOUNGER 523 DARIUS CODOMAXNUS. Cyrus the Younger, arrival of, in Asia Minor, n. c. 408, viii. 135, 137; Lysander's visits to, at Sard is, viii. 140 seq., 214; pay of tlie Pelopon- iiesian fleet by, viii. 143 ; and Kal- liitralidas, viii. 162; entrusts iiis satrapy and revenues to Lysander, viii. 214; arid Artaxerxes Mnc- mon, viii. 312, ix. 8 seq.; youtii and education of, ix. 5; his esteem for the Greelcs and liopes of the crown, ix. 6 ; cliarge of Tissapher- nes against, ix. 7 ; strict adminis- tration and prudent behavior of, ix. 9 ; forces of, collected at Sardis, ix. 11 ; march of, from Sardis to Kunaxa, ix. 14 seq.; assistance of ]'>l)yaxa to. ix. 18; review of his troops at Tyriseum, ix. 19; and Syennesis, ix. 20 ; at Tarsus, ix. 21 seq ; desertion of Xenias and Pasiou from, ix. 28 ; at Thapsakus, ix. 29 seq. ; in Babylonia, ix. 35 seq. ; sprcch of, to his Greek forces in Babylonia, ix. 36; liis conception of Grecian superiority, ix. 37 : his present to the prophet Silanus, ix. 40 ; passes the undefended trench. ix. 41; at Kunaxu, ix, 42 seq; character of, ix. 49; probable con- duct of, towards Greece, if victori- ous ;t Kunaxa, ix. 51 ; and the Asiatic Greeks, ix. 207. D. Dcedahs, i. 225, 228 seq. Damon of Sokrates, viii. 408 seq. Damons, i. 65, 67, 70 seq. ; and gods, distinction between, i. 425 seq.-.^ admission of, as partially evil be- ings, i. 427. Damascus, capture of, by the Mace- donians, xii. 128. Dnmasilhymus of Kalyndus, v. 135. Danac, legend of, i. 90. Danaos and the Danaides, i. 88. Dancing, Greek, iv. 85. DaphncEus, at Agrigentum, x. 426 seq. ; death of, x. 444. Dardanus, son of Zeus, i. 285. Daric, the golden, iv. 239 n. 2. Darius Tlystaspes, accession of, iv. 224 seq. discontents of the satraps un- der, i V. 226 seq. ; revolt of the Medes against, iv. 227 n. ; revolt of Bat)- ylon against, iv. 230; organiza- tion of the Persian empire by, iv, 233 seq. ; twenty satrapies of, iv. 235 seq. ; organizing tendency, coinage, roads, and posts of, iv. 238 seq. ; and Syloson, iv. 240 ; conquering dispositions of. iv. 252 ; probable consequences of an expedition by, against Greece before going against Scythia, iv. 260 seq.; invasion of Scythia by, iv. 262 se^; his orders to the lonians at the bridge over the Danube, iv. 269; return of, to Susa from Scythia, iv. 280; re- venge of, against the Athenians, iv. 297 ; preparations of, for invading Greece, iv. 314 ; submission of Greeks to, before the battle of Mara- thon, iv. 315 ; heralds of, at Athens and Sparta, iv. 316; instructions of, to Datis and Artapliernes, iv. 329 ; resolution of, to invade Greece a second time, v. 1 ; death of, V. 2. Darius, son of Artaxerxes Mnemon, X. 367. Darius Codomannus, encouragement of anti-Macedonians in Greece by, xii. 20 ; his accession and prepara- tions for defence against Alexand- er, xii. 76; irreparable mischief of Memnon's death to, xii. 106; cliange in the plan of, after Mem- non's death, xii. 107, 109; putu Charidemus to death, xii. 108; Arrian's criticism on the plan ot, a<,'ainst Alexander, xii. 110; at Mount Amanus, xii. 115 seq. ; ad- vances into Kilikia, xii. 117; at Issus before the battle, xii. 117; defeat of, at Issus, xii. 118 seq; capture of his mother, wife, and family by Alexander, xii. 124, 153 ; his correspondence with Alexan- der, xii. 130, 140; inaction of, af- ter the battle of Issus, xii. 152; de- feat of, at Arbela, xii. 155 seq.; a fugitive in Media, xii. 178, ISO; pur- sued by Alexander into Partliia, xii. 182 seq.; conspiracy against, by Bessus and others, xii. 183 seq.; death of, xii. 185 ; Alexander's dis- appointment in not taking him alive, xii. 186; funeral, fate, and conduct of, xii. 186.