Page:History of Greece Vol XII.djvu/565

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EURYNOME. 533 GENTES I'lirynome and Zcu.=, ofTspiing of, i, 10. Eim/ptolemus, viii. 177 »., 184, 197, 200 scq. J^iirypi/lus, i. 301. Eurysthcus. i. 91. 92, 93, 9-1. Eurytos, i. 139, 151, Eurylus, v. 94. Eut(va, Agesilaus at, is. c. 370, x. 211. Euthydemxis, Plato's, viii. 392 n. Eufhi/krates and Lastlienes, xi. 351, 352. Euxine, Greek settlements on, iii. 236 ; iv. 27, ix. 121 ; first sight of, liy the Ten Thousand Greeks, ix. Ill ; indigenous tribes on,ix.l22; the Greeks on, and the Ten Thou- sand, ix. 123 seq. ; Xenophon's idea of founding a new city on the, ix. 132 scq. Evadne,.21?,. Evafforas, ix. 364, 374, x. 14 scq. Family tie, in legendary Greece, ii. 83; rites in Greece, iii. 51. Fates, i. 7 ; and Croesus, iv. 195 seq. Ferdousi, Persian epic of, i. 641. Festivals, Grecian, i. 51, ii. 228, iv. 53, 67 seq., 71 seq. ; at Athens, viii. 324. Fiction, plausible, i. 435 ; ii. 51, Fictitious matter in Creek tradition, i. 433. Financial changes, Kleisthenean, iv. 137. Five Tliousand, the, at Athens, viii. 31, 54 n., 61, 75 n. 1, 78 seq. Flaying alive by Persians and Turks, iv. 293 n. 2. Fleece, Golden, legend of, i. 123. J-liite, use of, in Sparta, iv. 87. Fortijication of towns in early Greece, ii. 108 seq.; of the Grecian camp in tlie Iliad, ii. 1(^6. Four Hundred, the oligarchy of, viii. 30 scq. Frenzy, religious, of women, i. 30 seq. Funeral ceremony at Athens over slain warriors, vi. 31 ; orations, besides that of Perikles, vi. 142 4i"i* n. : obsequies of Ilephaestion, xit 252, 254. Funerals. Solon's regulations about iii. 140. G. Gddes, iii. 271 seq. ; voyage from Corinth to, in the seventh and sixth centuries b. c, iii. 277. Gaxt, i. 4, 6, 9. Ga:sylus, xi. 116. Games, Olympic, i. 100, ii. 2i I seq., 317 seq, iv. 55 seq.; Isthmian, i. 124, ii. 306 n. 1, iv. 65; the four great Grecian, ii. 240, iv. 67, 80 seq. ; Solon's rewards to victors at, iii. 141 ; Pythian, iv. 58, 64 seq. ; Nemean, iv. 65. Gamori, iii. 30 ; at Syracuse, v. 206 Gargaphia, fountain of, v. 165 n. 3. Gaugamela, battle of, xii. 155 seq. Gauls, embassy of, to Alexander, xii. 28 ; invasion of Greece bv, xii. 390. Gaza, capture of, by Alexander, xii. 142 seq. Gedrosia, Alexander in xii. 200, 236. Gela, V. 208 ; and Syracuse, before B. c. 500, V. 204 ; Kleander of, v. 208; Gelo, despot of, v. 213 seq.; congress of Sicilian cities at, vii. 137 ; and Hannibal's capture of Se- linus, X. 408; expeditions of Dio- nysius to, x, 538, 439, 447 seq. ; capture of, by Imilkon, x. 447 seq. ; Timoleon and the fresh coloniza- tion of. xi. 187; Agathokles at, xii. 408. Geleontes, iii. 51. Gelo, V. 67, 204-239. Geloni, iii. 244. Gelonian dynasty, fall of, v. 233 ; citi- zens of Syracuse, v. 234 seq. Genealogies, Grecian, i. 80 seq., 448 ; Argeian, i. 81, mythical, i. 191, 445 seq.; Egyptian, i. 448 ; Clin- ton's vindication of, ii. 37 seq. Genealogy, Corinthian, of Eumelus. i. 120 seq. ; of Orchomenos, i. 127 serj.; Eleian, i. 139; ^,tolian, i 143 ; Laconian, i. 168 ; Messenian i. 171 ; Ai'cadian, i. 173. Generals, Kleisthenean. iv. 136. Genles, Atlic, iii. 53 seq., iii. 66 seq