Page:History of Greece Vol XII.djvu/573

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IONIC. 541 K ALU AS. Beq. ; abandonment of, by the Athenians, iv. 297; at Lade, iv. 301 seq. : at Mykale, v. 192 seq., i97 ; after the battle of Mykale, v. 199. Ionic emigration, ii. 21, 24 seq., iii. 172; tribes in Attica, iii. 50, 52 seq.; cities in Asia, iii. 172 seq., 260; and Italic Greeks, iii. 398; revolt, iv. 285 seq., 306 n. 2; phi- losophers, iv. 378 ; Sicilians and Athens, vii. 132; alphabet and the Athenian laws, viii. 308. Iphiqeneia, i. 293. Iphiklos, i. 110. Jphifcrates, destruction of a Lacedaj- monian viora by, ix. 327 n. 341 ?!., 348 seq.; military improvements and successes of, ix. 355 seq., 353 ; defeat of Anaxibius by, ix. 370 seq.; proceedings of, between b. c. 387-378, X. 105 seq.; and Kotys, x. 106. 299, 369, 374 ; expedition of, to Korkyra, x. 149 seq., 154 n.; and Timotheus, x. 149, 299, xi. 231 seq. ; expedition of, to aid Sparta against Thebes, x. 237 seq. ; in Thrace and Macedonia, x. 250 seq., 299; in the Hellespont, xi. 224: and Chares, xi. 224 seq. Iphikrates the Younger, xii. 129. Jpsus, battle of, xii. 387. Jran, territory of, iv. 184. Irasa, iv. 31. Tris, i. 7. Irun race, the, i. 66. Isagoras, iv. 126, 1G4 scq. Jschaqonis, vi. 449. Ischolaus, X. 217. Ischys, i. 178. Jsidas, X. 332. Islands in the il^^gean, ii. 2-34. Ismenias in the north of Bu?otia, ix. 301 ; and Leoniiades, x. 59; trial and execution of, x. 63. Ismenias and Pelopidus, x. 277 seq., 283, 285. Tsolcrates, his treatment of mythes, i 407 w. 2 ; on the origin of Perioeki, ii. 367 ; panegyrical oration of, x 44, 77 ; the Tlataic oration of, x 163; the Archidaraus of, x. 228 n. 2. 229 n. I, 291 n. 2 ; his letter to Philip, xi. 282, 436. Tssedones, iii. 245. hsus, Alexander at, before the battle. VOL. XII. 46 xii. 114; Darius at, before thfl battle, xii. 117; battle of, xii. 118 seq.; inaction of Darius after the battle of, xii. 152: and its neigh- borhood, as connected with the battle, xii. 491 seq. Isthmian games, i. 124, ii. 242, iv. 65 seq. ; Eleians excluded from, i. 140, ii. 306 n. B. c. 412, vii. 368; and Agesilaus, ix. 344. IstonS, Korkvraian fugitives at, v' 278, 313, 357 seq. Italia, iii. 350. Italian Greeks, iii. 369, 392, 394 scq., xi. 7 seq., 133, xii. 394. Italians, iii. 369. Italy and Sicily, early languages and history of, iii. 354 n. Italy, the voyage from Greece to, iii. 361 ; Grecian colonics in, iii. 354, 360, 374 seq. ; decline of Greek power in, after the full of Sybari.-i, iv. 415; Southern, affairs of, b. c. 382-369, xi. 43. Ithome, ii. 422, v. 316. Jason, i. 114 seq., 237 seq. Jason of Pherce, x. 137 seq., 147 n., 153, 189 seq., 195 seq. Jaxartes, Alexander at the, xii. 204 seq. Jocasta, i. 266 seq. Jurkce, iii. 245. Jury-trial, characteristics of, exhibited in the Atlienian dikasteries, v. 385 seq. K Kaha'.a, victory of Dionysius at, xi. 41. Kabeirichus, x. 85. Kadmela, at Thebes, seizure of, by Phcebidas, x. 58 seq. ; surrender of, by the Lacedaemonians, x. 88 sea. Kadmus, i. 257 seq. Kalais and Zetes, i. 199. Kalasiries and Hermotybii, iii. 316. Kalauria, i. 56 ; Ampliiktyony at, i, 133; the Athenian allied arma- ment at, X. 148; death of DemW' thenes at, xii. 327 seq. Kalchas, wanderings and death o i 313. Kale Ahe, founilation of, vii. 125. Kallias, treaty of, v. 336 seq.