Page:History of Greece Vol XII.djvu/575

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KKRSOBLEPTES. 513 Kl.KOl'ATRA. Kersohleptes,-^.3&6; and Cimridemus, X. 366, 378, 379 ; intiigiie of, against Athens, xi. 258 ; and the peace and alliance i)etween Athens and Philip, xi. 39C seq. ; defeat of, by Philip, xi. 443. Kertch, tumuli near, xii. 487 scq. Keto, i. 7. Kej/x and Alcyone, i. 13.t. Kililcia, Alexander in, xii. 113, 114; Darius in, xii. 116. Kiinon and Themistokles, v. 278, 280 ; capture of Skyros by, v. 304, 304 n. 2. ; victories of, at the Euryme- don, V. 308 ; trial and acquittal of, V. 312, 365; and the Spartan ap- plication for aid against the Helots, V. 318, 365; recall of, from os- tracism, V. 329 ; death of, v. 335, 340 ; political party of, v. 361 ; and Perikles, v. 329. 362 seq., 371 ; character of, v. 364 ; ostracism of, V. 366. Kimoni'an treaty, the so-called, v. 337 seq. Kinadon, conspiracy and character of, ix. 251 seq. King, the, in legendary Greece, ii. 61 seq., 74 seq. ; the, in historical Greece, ii. 76. Englisli theory of a, iii. 13. Kinijs. Egyptian, iii. 321, 3.30 n 2. Kiu(/ship, discontinuance of, in Greece generally, ii.76, iii. 8; in mediaeval and modern Europe, iii. 8 secj. Kini/ps and Dorieus, iv. 36. Kiir/ia, iv. 60 n., 61 seq., xi. 468 seq., 474. Kirrhceans, punishment of. iv. 62 seq. Kissidas, x. 265. Kkirus, temple of Apollo at, iii. 185. K/azomenae, iii. 188, vii. 372, 384,391. Kleander of Gela, v. 207. Kleander the Lacedaemonian, ix. 149 seq., 152, 154, 165, xii. 197. Kleandridas, vi. 14. Kteandrides, v. 349. Klearchus the Lacedaemonian, at the Hellespont, riii. 96 ; at Byzantium, viii. 128 ; and Cyrus the Younger, ix. 8, 22 scq ; and Mtnon's soldiers, ix. 35; and Ariaitis, ix. 52; and Tissapherncs, ix. 63, 70 seq. Klearchus of the Pontic lleralicia. xii. 461 feq. Elenridas, vi. 450, 470.472., vii. 3. K/einas, iii. 102. Kleisthencs of Sikijoa, i. 279, ii. 129 iii. 32 seq. Kleisthenes the Athenian, revolution in Attic tribes by, iii. 63, 67 ; and the oracle at Delphi, iv. 121; re- tirement and recall of, iv. 164, 165; development of Athenian energy after, iv. 176 ; changes in the con- stitution of, after the Persian war, V. 275. Kleippides, vi. 224 seq. Kleitnrchus, xi. 450, 452. Kleitus the llhpinn, xii. 28 se(j. Kleitus, Alexander X general, xii. 85, 20b seq. Kleobide, motlier of Duinosthencs, xi, 263. Kleohulus and Xenares, vii. 24 seq. Kleokrilus, viii, 270. Kleombrotas, x. 94 scq., 129, 136, 175 seq., 180 seq. Kleomenes I., his expeditions to Athens, iv. 122, 164 seq.; and Aristagoras, iv. 287; defeat of Ar- gcians by, iv. 320 see). : return of, without attacking Argos, iv. 321 ; trial of, iv. 323; and the vEgine- tans, iv. 325, 328 ; and Demaratus, iv. 325 seq.; violent i)r()cecdings and death of, v. 45. Kleomenes III., ii. 349, 350. Kleomenes. Alexander a satrap, xii. 24i, 2.53, 253 n. 1. Kleon the Athenian, first mention of, by Thucydides, vi. 244; policy and character of, vi. 246, 480 seq. ; and Mitylene, vi. 249 seq. ; political function of, vi. 290, 292 ; and the prisoners in Sphakteria, vi. 329 scq. ; expedition of, to Pylus, vi. 336 seq. ; warlike influence of, vi. 355, 457 seq.; at Amphipolis, vi. 462 seq., 467 seq. ; capture of Torone by, vi. 463 ; at Eion, vi. 463 ; Thucydides's treatment of, vi. 479, 483 seq. ; and Aristophanes, vi. 481 seq., 485. Kleon, of Ilalikarnassus, ix. 237, 300 Kleonoi and Argos, ii. 464, iv. 65 n. 2. Kleonike and Pausanias, v. 25.5. Kleonymus, xii. 448. 449. Kleopatra, tvife of Philip, xi. 513 seq., 518 n. 2, xii. 4 scq., 8. Kleopatra daughter of Philip, xi. 514, xii. 321, 372.