Page:History of Greece Vol XII.djvu/586

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NAUSINIKUS. 554 NINE "WATS. naval battle at, b. c. 413, vii. 353 seq. ^^ansinikus, census in the arclionship of, X. 115 seq. yavnl attack, Athenian, vi. 63 Naxians and Sikels, defeat of Mcs- senians by. vii. 135. Naxos, early power of, iii. 165: ex- pedition of Aristagoras against, iv. 282 seq.; Datis at, iv. ; revolt and re-conquest of, v. 307. Naxos in iiicily, iii. 363, vii. 1 93, x. 468. Nenrckus, voyages of, xii. 233, 235, 237, 238. yeliiichadiiezzar, iii. 333. Necklaces of Eriphvle and Helen, i. 287 seq. Nectanebus, xi.440. Neffatiue side of Grecian philosopliy, viii. 345. Neileits, or Ntletis. i. 109, ii. 24. iii. 173. Nl-os, iii. 329 seq. Nfktanebis, x. 362, 366. Ncleidsdo^'n to Kodru<:. i. 111. Nehus and Pelias, i. 107 seq. Nemean lion, the, i. 7 : games, ii.461, iv. 65 seq. I Nemesis, i. 7. NeobiJe and ArcliiIocliu<!, iv. 81. Neon the Ci/reian, ix. 136 seq , 147. Neon the Corinthian, xi. 156 seq. Neoptolemiis, son of Achilles, i. IBS, 300, 305. Neoptolemus the actor, xi. 373. Nephele, i. 123 seq, Nirens, i. 7. Nereids, i. 7. Nessiis, the centaur, i, 150. Nestor, i. 110. Niebelungen Lied, i. 479. Nikiea on the Hydaspes, xii. 229, 233. Nikaitor, xii. 339, 354 seq. Nikids, at Minoa, vi. 285 ; position and character of, vi. 285 seq.; and Kleon, vi. 287 seq., 457 seq. ; at Melos, vi. 295 ; in the Corintliian territory, vi. 355 seq. ; at Mende and Skione, vi. 441 seq. ; peace of, vi. 490 seq. vii. 1 seq.; and the Spartans takens at Sphakteria, vii. 6 seq. ; embassy of, to Sparta, vii. 44; and Alkibiades, vii. 104 seq., viii. 158; appointed commander of the Sicilian expedition, b. C. 415, vii. 148; speeches and in- fluence of, on the Sicilian expe«  dition, B. c. 415, vii. 148 seq., 155, 159; his plan of action in Sicily, vii. 191 ; dilatory proceedings of, in Sicily, vii. 219, 225, 258 seq. ; stratagem of, for approaching Sv- racuse, vii. 221 ; at the battle near the Olympeion at Syracuse, vii. 220 measures of, after his victory nea- the Olympeion at Syracuse, vii 223 ; at Messene in Sicily, vii. 223 forbearance of the Athenians to wards, vii. 225 seq. ; at Katana, vii 234 ; in Sicily in the spring of B. c 414, vii. 243 ; his neglect in not pre- venting Gylippus's approach to Sicily and Syracuse, vii. 263 seq , 266 seq. ; fortification of Cape Pleni- myrium by, vii. 270; at EpipoljB, vii. 272 ; despatch of, to Athens for reinforcements, vii. 275 seq., 281 seq.; opposition of, to Dcmos- thenes's proposals for leaving Syra- cuse, vii. 308 seq. ; consent of, to retreat from Syracuse, vii. 313; exhortations of, before the final defeat of the Athenians in the harbor of Syracuse, vii. 321 seq. ; and Demosthenes, resolution of, after the final defeat in the harbor of Syracuse, vii. 330 ; exhortations of, to the Athenians on their re- treat from Syracuse, vii. 333 seq. ; and his division, surrender of, to Gylippus, vii. 343 seq., 347 n.2; and Demosthenes, treatment of, by their Syracusan conquerors, vii. 346 ; disgrace of, at Athens after liis death, vii. 348 ; opinion of Thucydides about, vii, 349 ; opinion and mistake of the Athenians about, vii. 351 seq. Nikodromus, v. 47. Nikokles, X. 26. Nikomachus the Athenian, viii. 307 seq, Nikomachus the Macedonian, xii. 191, 194. Nikostratiis, vi, 271 seq., 440 seq, Nikoteles, x. 466. Nile, the, iii. 309. Nineveh, or Ninus, siege of, iii. 233, capture of, iii. 255 ; and Babylon, iii. 290 ; site of. iii. 294 n. 2 ;' and its remains, iii. 305. Nine Ways, nine defeats of tlie .the nians at the, x. 302 n. 1.