Page:History of Greece Vol XII.djvu/590

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PAROPAMISAD.E. 008 PELION. 92; captures Damascus, xii. 128; at the battle of Arbela, xii. 158, 159, 164, 165; invested with the chief command at Ekbatana, xii. 181; family of, xii. 190; alleged conspiracy and assassination of, i^ii. 196 seq. Paropamisadce, subjugation of, by Alexander, xii. 200. r^ros, TherameneS at, viii. 118. ParthenicB, iii. 387. Parthenon, vi. 21, 22; records of of- ferings in, xi. 249 n., 252 n. 3. Parthia, Darius pursued by Alexan- der into, xii. 182 seq. Partition of lands ascribed to Lykur- gus, ii. 380, 393 seq. ; 401 'seq. ; proposed by Agis, iii. 399, 401. Parysatis, wife of Darius Nothus, ix. ei, 72. Parysatis, daughter of Darius Nothus, xii. 241. Pasimelus, ix. 331 seq. Pnsion, and Xenias, ix. 28. Pasiphae and the Minotaur, i. 220. Pdsippidas, banishment of, viii. 128. Patizeithes, conspiracy of, iv. 223. Pidrokleides, amnesty proposed by, viii. 224. Palrokhis, treatment of, in the Iliad, ii. 177. Patronymic names of domes, iii. C3 n. 2. PotrOus Apollo, i. 50. Pattala, xii. 235 n. 4. Paiisanias, the historian, on the Acliae- ans, i. 104; his view of mythes, i. 414; his history of the Baotians between the siege of Troy and the Tleturn of the Herakleids, ii. 16; his account of the Messenian wars, ii. 425 seq., 428 seq. ; on Iphikrates at Corinth, b. c. 369, x. 238 n. Paiisanicis, the Spartan regent, at the Isthmus Corinth, v. 105 ; at Platjea, V. 168 seq., 177 seq. ; misconduct of. after the battle of Platsea, v. 178 seq., 181 ; conduct of, after losing the command of the Greeks, V. 269; detection and death of, v. 272 seq. ; and Themistokles. v. 273, 282. Pausanias the Spartan king, and Ly- sander, viii. 262: his expedition to Attica, viii. 275 seq. ; his attack upon Peirseus, viii. 276 ; his paci- ficatiim between the Ten at Athens and the exiles at Peiraeus, viii. 277 seq. ; in Bceotia, ix. 295 seq. ; con demnation of, ix. 297 set]., and the demoeratical leaders of Man- tinea, X. 37. Pausanias the Macedonian, x. 249, xi. 515 seq. Pedaritus, vii. 389, 391, viii. 19. Pedieis, iii. 93. Pedigrees, mythical, connect qentes, 1. 1 93. Pepasus, i. 4, 122. Peiraum, Athenian victory near, vii. 309 ; defeat of the Athenian fleet near, vii. 381 : capture of, by Agesilaus, ix. 343, 345 seq.; re- covery of, by Iphikrates, ix. 353. Peirceus, fortification of, by Themis tokles, v. 249 seq.; and Athens. Long Walls between, v. 324 seq., viii. 229, ix. 333 seq.; improve- ments at, under Perikles, vi. 20, departure of the armament for Sicily from, vii. 181 ; walls built at by the Four Hundred, viii. 63 : a|v proach of the Lacedaemonian tieet under Agesandridas to, viii. CO, 71 ; Thrasybulus at, viii. 272 seq. ; king Pausanias's attack upon, viii. 276 ; attack of Teleutias on, ix. 377 seq. ; attempt of Sphodrias to surprise, x. 98 seq.; seizure of, by Nikanor, xii, 346. Peisander, and the mutilation of the Herma;, vii. 200; and tiie con spiracy of the Four Hundred, viii 8, 12, 13 seq., 21, 26, 33 seq. ; state ments respecting, viii. 32 n. ; pun ishment of, viii. 88. Peisander, the Laccda:monian admiral, ix. 274. 283. Peisistratids, and Thucydides iv. 112 n. 2 ; fall of the dynasty of, iv. 122 ; with Xerxes in Athens, v. 115 seq. Peisistratus iii. 153 seq, iv, 102 seq., 117. Peithias, the Kwkyrcean, vi. 268 seq. Pchisiji, ii. 261 seq. ; in Italy, iii. 351 ; of Lemnos and Imbros, iv. 277. Pelasgikon, oracle about the, vi. 129 n. 2. Pelasgus, i. 173. Peleus, i. 114, 187 seq. Pelias, i. 108 seq, 114 seq. Pelion and Ossa, ii. 214