Page:History of Greece Vol XII.djvu/622

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XUTHUS. 590 ZOPIRUS. Xiithis, i. 99 seq., 103 ; and Kreiisa, i.204. Z. Zab, the Great, the Ten Thousand Greeks at, ix. 69 seq. ; crossed by the Ten Thousand Greeks, ix. 88. Zngreus, i. 18, 19 n. Zakifnthus, iii. 410; Timotheus at, x. 141 ; forces of Dion mustered at, xi. 84, 87 ; Dion's voyage from, to Herakleia, xi. 88. Zaieukus, iii. 382. Zabnoxis, i. 448. Zankle, iii. 365 ; fate of, v. 21 1 seq. Zariaspa, Alexander at, xii. 206. Zelos, i. 8. ZenoofElea, viii. 341, 344, 345. Zpphyrus, i. 6. Zetes and Kalais, i. 199. 'Actkiis and Amphion, Homeric le- gend of, i. 257, 263 seq. Zeufjitce, iii. 118; Boeckh's opinion on the pecuniary qualification of, iii 119 n. Zeus. i. 3, 7, 8 seq., 12; Homeric,!. 13 ; account of, in the Orphic The- ogony, i. 18: mythical cliaractcr. names, and functions, i. 61 seq.; origin of the numerous mythes of, i. 62; and Prometheus, i. 63, 75; and Danae, i. 90; and Alkmene, i. 93 ; and J2gina, i. 184; and Euro- pa, i. 257 ; and Ganymedes, i. 285 ; in the fourth book of the Illiad dif- ferent from Zeus in the first and eighth, ii. 180; fluctuation of Greek opinfon on the supremacy of, iv. 196 n. Zeus Ammon, Alexander's visit to the oracle of, xii. 147. Zeus Laphystios, i. 127. Zeus Lykceus, i. 174. Zeus Meilichios. Xenophon's sacriusi to, ix. 171 seq. Zopytus, iv. SSI.