Entry of the Panchalas into the, 83
edge of Hindu life, 244
Chooses Arjuna as her husband, 105
Marries the five Pandava princes, 105
Publicly insulted by Duryodhaua, 107
Slave of Duryodhana, 107
Conquer Ceylon twice, 321
Conquers Drupada, 103
Kills Drupada, 109
King of the Panchalas, 104
Alliance of, with the five Pandava
princes, 105
Duhshanta, father of Bharata, 132
Durga, goddess, 76
Duhsasana killed by Bhima, 109
Fights with Bhima, 102
Publicly insults Draupadi, 107
Flight of, from Bhima, and subsequent
Eightfold path, Buddhist, 304-305
dauta philosophy, 272
India, 220
khya philosophy, 255
Evil, true nature of, 216
Of Pandava princes, 103, 107
False evidence, 222
Famine unknown in India, 217
Sacred, kept burning in every house-
hold, 52, 150
Sacrificial, 76
Ordeal of, criminals tried by, 155-156
Five Pandava princes, 100-101
Flood, Hindu tradition of, 166-167
Animal, 22
Foreigners explained as castes, 232
Fourfold wisdom, Buddhist, 304-306
Future life, hymn on, 59-60
Gambling match of Yudhishthira, 107
Gandharva marriage, 238
Valley of, reached by the Hindus, 82
Buddha, 3
Haridrumata, a Vedic teacher, 139-141
Gayatri, the, 70
In Vaisesika philosophy, 266
Geometry, 192, 194
Godavari, a river of ancient India, 120
Brahmanic and Epic times, 169
Gosala, founder of sect of Ajivakas, 328
Government, 9
Grammar, science of, in India, 193
Grain, names of, in Rig- Veda, 21
domestic rites, 190
Value of, for knowledge of Hindu life,
Gujarat, Hinduized, 203
non-Aryan army, 121
Haoma, Iranian name for Soma, 24
Ruins of, said to be near Delhi, 100
Social life of, in the Brahmanic period,
Harvests, two annually in India, 218
Hercules, identified with Krishna, 207
Hermits, rules for, 241, 242
Hetairism, 7
Age, 136
Civilization, age of, 1
Civilization, expansion of, 112
Literature, ancient, 2
Pantheon adopted and modified by