Kaikeyi, queen of Dasaratba, 119
Kali, goddess, 76
Kalidasa, poetry of, 8
Kalingoi, army of, 206
Kalpa sutra, 191
Social life in, in the Brahmanic period,
losophy, 264
Kanchi, capital of the Cholas, 186
Extent of territory of, 321
ophy, 8, 263
Buddha's return to, 292, 296, 297
Fights with Arjuna, 110
Kashmir, 321
143, 284
brothers named, 291
ing Nachiketas, 181-183
Kausalya, queen of Dasaratha, 119
Legend of, 139
Kena Upanishad, extract from, 175-176
Kimbila, a convert to Buddhism, 293
tareya Brahmana, 125-126
in the Rig- Veda, 41-42
Performing religious rites, 77
Invested by priests at the coronation
ceremony, 132
Palaces of, centre of life in the Brah-
inanic and Epic times, 160
Rules for, regarding subjects, 208-209
Koliyans, Hindu clan, 285
A nation of ancient India, 112
Chief of the Yadavas of Gujarat, 106
Entirely human in the Upanishads, 170
Dvaipayaua Vyasa, reputed author of
Krita age, 135, 136
Kshatriya caste, 136
Religious speculations of, 85, 114
the order of Buddhist nuns, 296
Bhatta, Hindu philosopher, 269
Kotigrama, 323
Kuru country divided, 106-106
Kurukshetra, battle of, 109
nation, 84, 100
Entry into the Doab, 83
Provenience of, a mooted question, 98
And Panchalas centre of the Hindu
Kusa, son of Sita and Rama, 123
Kusinagara, place of Buddha's death, 301
Kutsa, a warrior, 33
Accompanies his half-brother Rama
Lakshmi, 76
Buddhists, 280
Lanka besieged by a non-Aryan army, 122
Lava, son of Sita and Rama, 123
Upanishad, 155
Of property, 225
Of inheritance, 227-229
Varied in severity according to castes,
220, 221
Agrarian, passage from Apastamba on,
Agrarian, passage from Gautama on,
and Epic periods, 167-168
poets of the Rig- Veda, 25
Lichchhavis, nation of ancient India, 284
Brahmana, 88
Lord of the Field, hymn to, 13-14
Lunar asterisms, enumerated, 167
Madhava, legend of king, 113
Kingdom of, 284
Magadhas, explained as a caste, 231
Description of Kuru-Panchala war in, 98