overindulgence in Soma, 163
Savitri, a sun-god, 69-71
Schopenhauer, on Upanishads, 183
Self-defence, right of, 222
Settlements, Aryan, in the Panjab, 4
Settlers, Aryan, earliest home of, 50
Rivers of the Panjab, 49
Siam, Buddhism in, about 638 A. D., 321
Siddhartha, see Buddha
Sisupala of Chedi, killed by Krishna, 107
Originally a goddess of the furrow, 116
Won by Rama at a svayainvara, 119
Accompanies Rama into exile, 120
Stolen by Havana, 121
Proof of purity required of, 123
Exiled by Rama, 123
Mythical character of, 126
Ideal Hindu woman, 125
Skepticism, Hindu, 171
ship in early India, 62
cient India, 99
marry with the people, 150
Juice, 24, 76
As a deity, 24
Celebrated in an entire book of the Rig-
Veda, 24
Mixed with milk, 25
Iranian name of, 24
Hymn to, 26
Indra's fondness for, 69
Hymn to, containing an allusion to the
ophy, 271
Souls, transmigration of, 308
South Behar, 126
in Ceylon and Burma, 280, 319
Baudhayana, 202
parted ancestors, 248
Translation from Megasthenes concern-
Srautra Sutras, extant, 188
Sravana, 249
Sravasti, new capital of the Kosalas, 284
poses, 28
Student life, termination of, 241, 247
In Brahmanic period, 144
Marriage of, 146
Subhadhra, wife of Buddha, 285, 302
phy, 265
losophy, 266-267
Hymns to, 38-39
father of Buddha, 286
Rise of the, 84
Formed of aborigines, 138
Religious knowledge forbidden to, 234
Wins Vali's kingdom and widow, 121
Suicides, 222
Sumitra, queen of Dasaratha, 119
Sunita, story of, 309-310
khya philosophy, 256
Being, in Yoga philosophy, 266
Being, in Nyaya philosophy, 263
Being, according to Vedanta philoso-
phy, 271, 272-273
Surya, a sun-god, 69
Human compositions, 186
Schools of, 186
ings of Gautama Buddha, 282
Reached by the Hindus, 82
Suttee, supposed Vedic basis for, 61
Svayamvara, of Draupadi, 104
Svetaketu, story of, 174
Existence of, in first century A. D., 325
Syllogism, in Hindu philosophy, 264, 270
Taprobane, Greek name of Ceylon, 207
Some exempt from paying, 209