Calicut, personal appearance, habits, and
customs of the inhabitants of, 206-
Description of a Hindu temple at, 210,
Zamorin of, gives an audience to Vasco
da Gama, 214-218, 222-226
Description of a house in, 218-219
Zamorin of, receives gifts from Vasco
da Gama, 221
Gallic (Kalyara), a sub-caste of the Su-
dras, 245
Caltaja, a sub-caste of the Sudras, 245
Camawaer (Kamma Varus), a sub-caste
of the Sudras, 245
Camunda, one of the " Seven Mothers "
group of idols, 181
Cannanore, captains of the ships of,
given permission to depart from
Goa, 231
Carpet-weaving an industry of Bengal,
Carreas, a sub-caste of the Sudras, 245
Cauwreaes, a sub-caste of the Sudras,
243, 244
Cavalry, a division of a Hindu army, 143
Caste rules, on marriage, 39
General, 39-40
Castes, seven Indian, according to Me-
gasthenes, 31-32, 39
In India, according to Hiuan Tsang,
122, 125, 142
Mixed, 142
In India, according to Roger, 238-261
Ceylon, Portuguese power in, advanced
by Albuquerque, 227
Chariots, part of military equipment in
ancient India, 42, 43, 143
Chinab, see Akesines
Cicero, reference of, to suttee, 73
Cochin, description of, by William
Francklin, 318-319
Comitijs (Komatis), a division of the
Weinsja caste, duties of the, 241-242
" Commentaries de Afonso d'Albo-
querque," extracts from, 228-236
Conacapule, a sub-caste of the Sudras, 245
Condal, fortress of, deserted by the
Turks and taken by the Hindus, who
turn it over to Albuquerque, 233
Correa, Gaspar, quotation from, regard-
ing Vasco da Gama's audience with
the Zamorin of Calicut, 219-226
Correwaes, a sub-caste of the Sudras,
peculiar manners of the, 246-247
Costume, Hindu, 132-134
Cottewanias, a sub-caste of the Sudras,
Crown, Hindu, fourfold division of
private demesnes of the, 150
Cyrus said to have made expeditions
against India, 4
Marches against the Massagetai, 5
Dabistan, suttee described in the, 80-
Da Gama, Vasco, voyage of, to Calicut,
Journeys to Calicut and has an inter-
view with the Zamorin, 207-210,
Brings gifts to the Zamorin of Calicut,
Dalboquerque, Afonso, see Albuquerque,
Affonso de
Dead, abandonment of the, 148
Burning of the, 148
Committed to the water, 148
Exposed to the air in ancient times in
India, 186
Exposed to the wind, in houses con-
structed for the purpose, in ancient
India, 186
Narayana ordered the burning of the,
Hindu treatment of the bodies of the,
Diodoros Sikelos describes suttee, 75
Diogenes, similarity of the doctrines of,
to those of the Hindus, 57
Dionysos (Bacchus), said to have in-
vaded India, 4
Dogs in India, size and strength of, 30
Dubois, Abbe 1 , a French missionary, de-
scribes suttee, 95-104, 107-114, 117-
Ebony found in India, 30
Education, Hindu method of, 137
Elephants, manner of hunting, 32-33
Taming of, 34
Long life of, 34-35
Strength of, 35
Part of military equipment in ancient
India, 42, 43, 143
Emoda Mountains, a spur of the Hima-
layas, 20
Eratosthenes on the irrigation of India,
6, 10
Etesian winds, effect of, on India, 6, 7, 8
Etiquette, Hindu, 146-148
Of the mixed castes and Sudras, at
table, 152
Eukratidas, Bactrian king, made con-
quests in India, 3
Exchange, Hindu mediums of, 153