Souriwansjam, a division of the Ksha-
triyaa, derivation of the name of, 240
Stables royal Indian, maintained for
horses and elephants, 42
Strabo, Gi^eek traveller and geographer, 1
Opening sentences of the description of
India by, 2-5
Sudras (Soudraes), the fourth caste of
India. 142
Burn the bodies of the living, 190
The caste of the common people, divi-
sions and subdivisions of the, 238,
242-247, 251, 258
Suicide among the Hindus, 149
Sun, directions for constructing an idol
of the, 180
Sunda Islands, Portuguese power in the,
advanced by Albuquerque, 227
Surat, wrongs or the English at, righted
by Prince Khurram, 310-312
Sutras, Buddhist, 139
Suttee in India, according to Aristobou-
los, 54
Derivation and meaning of the word,
Abolished by the English in 1829-30,
Discussion as to the date of the be-
ginning of, 68, 71
The practice of, according to Greek,
Latin, Arabic, Persian, Italian,
Dutch, French, and English writers,
Late sporadic instances of, 71-72, 119-
Sydrakai (Oxydrakai), a tribe of North-
ern India, 25
Said to be allied to Dionysos, 25
Tadwadi (or Madwa) Weistnouwa, a sub-
sect of the Brahmans, 252, 255-256
Taxila, a ruined city of Northern India, 7
Fixed government of, 18
Customs of the people of, 53-54
Tearkon the Ethiopian advances as far
as Europe, 4
Tellicherri, description of, by William
Francklin, 319-322
Fortifications of, 319-320
Siege of, 320
Strength of the garrison of, in time of
peace, 321
An important base of operations in
case of war, 321
Thaneswar highly venerated by the
Hindus, 177
A sacred pond at, 197
Reasons for the sanctity of, 199
Thrake, Sesostris conducts an army to,
Throne, Hindu, description of a, 132
Tigers in India, size of, 30
Time, Chinese account of Hindu meas-
ures of, 126
Tolowa, an extinct sub-caste of the Su-
dras, 246
Towns, Hindu, Hiuan Tsang's descrip-
tion of, 130-131
Trevor, " Rhymes of Rajputana," ballad
from, on the suttee of Goran's wife,
Tschectea, see Saktis
" Twelve Chapters," the first book used
in the education of the young, 136
Utensils, household, 152
Uttaramanasa, a sacred pond, 191
Vaishnavas, a sect of the Brahmans, 251-
Vaishnavi, one of the " Seven Mothers "
group of idols, 181
Vaisyas, the merchant caste of India,
142, 238, 241-242, 251
Burn the bodies of the living, 190
Duties of the, 241-242
Valerius Maximus, writes of suttee, 74
Valle, Pietro della, an Italian traveller
in India, describes suttee, 81-87
Interviews a woman about to be
burned with her husband, 83-87
Description of Ahmadabad by, 294
Varahamihira, extract from, regarding
transmigration, 166-167
Varahi, one of the " Seven Mothers "
group of idols, 181
Vasco da Gama, see Da Gama
Vayu Purana, quotation from the, re-
garding places of pilgrimage, 191-
Vedas, four, studied by Brahmans, 136,
Vellalars, see Wellala
Vinaya, a Buddhist book, 139
Vinayaka, son of Mahadeva, directions
for constructing an idol of, 181
Vishnu directions for constructing an
idol of, 178-179
Vishnu, Dharma, extract from the, re-
garding transmigration, 166
Vishnu Purana, extracts from the, re-
lating to the hells of the Hindus,
Vishnupada, a sacred pond, 191