CHAP. V. GUJARAT : PROVINCIAL BUILDINGS. 245 tomb in India. The details, too, are all elegant and appropriate, so that it only wants somewhat increased dimensions to rank among the very first of its class. Its constructive arrange- ments, too, are so perfect that no alterations in them would be required, if the scale had been very much increased. The tomb itself is surrounded by a screen of perforated stone-work of the very finest tracery, and with its double verandah aids in giving the sepulchral chamber that seclusion and repose so indispensable in a mausoleum. 1 1 'Archaeological Survey of Western India,' vol. vi. pp. 45f. and plates I, 71 to 75. For a fuller account of the Muhammadan architecture of Gujarat with numerous drawings and photographs, vols. vi. to ix. of the same Western India Survey may be consulted.