Page:History of Indian and Eastern Architecture Vol 2.djvu/330

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282 INDIAN SARACENIC ARCHITECTURE. BOOK VII. but it was, like all the others of its class, ornamented with coloured tiles, like those of Persia generally, of great beauty of pattern and exquisite harmony of colouring. 1 It is not a very monumental way of adorning a building, but, as carried out on the dome of the Rock at Jerusalem, in the middle of the i6th or in the mosque at Tabriz in the beginning of the I3th century, 2 and generally in Persian buildings, it is capable of producing the most pleasing effects. Like the other tombs in the province, it is so similar to Persian buildings of the same age, and so unlike any other found at the same age in India Proper, that we can have little doubt as to the nationality of those who erected them. 1 Abundant examples of coloured section of the Jami' Masjid at Tatta, there tiles from the Jami' Masjid at Tatta, ! are no drawings plans and sections to erected about 1646, and from tombs and explain the positions of the specimens in mosques in the province have been published in a ' Portfolio of Illustrations of Sind Tiles,' by Mr. H. Cousens (fifty the various mosques and tombs from which they are copied. ' History of Ancient and Medieval plates, atlas folio), 1906. But, except a | Architecture,' vol. ii. p. 573.