Page:History of Indian and Eastern Architecture Vol 2.djvu/535

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CHAP. IV. CHANDI SINGASARI. 441 flight of steps on each side leading to the same, and the steps to the third platform are at right angles to the same, which has also a projecting bay 3 ft. wide and 2 ft. deep. In order to allow of these approaches, the temple is set back in the rear instead of forming the central feature of the platforms ; its plan is cruciform, 17 ft. square with a cell 10 ft. square, with an entrance porch on the west side and sunk niches only on the three other sides. The upper part of the temple has fallen in, but judging by another better preserved though smaller temple close by, the Chandi Kidal, it was surmounted by five storeys set back one behind the other, giving probably a total height of about 80 ft., the actual height of the remains to the top of the doorway being 66 ft. 6 in. The sides of the platforms are decorated with carved ornament of a decadent character, the figure sculpture being clumsy and poor. Chandi Kidal was raised on a single platform only, and with the exception of the immense gorgon head above the doorway was not enriched with sculpture. The height was probably about 40 ft, and from what remains of the upper storeys their decoration consisted of niches with figures of Bodhisattwas in them similar to those of Chandi Bhima on the Dieng Plateau. The second temple Chandi Singasari is situated about 10 miles to the north-west of Tumpang. The temple is 26 ft. 6 in. square on plan, with a projecting porch on each face, three of them giving access to small cells 5 ft. 4 in. square, and the fourth facing the west to a vestibule preceding the central cell, which is 10 ft. 8 in. square. So far it is similar to the examples at Prambanan ; over the four porches, however, according to Dr. Brandes' conjectural restoration, were towers consisting of three storeys with square moulded balusters, five on each face, carry- ing the storey above ; each baluster has three projecting mouldings, which diminish in width as it rises, and the storeys are slightly set back one behind the other. These towers rise 50ft tsoft. 487. Chandi Jago, near Tumpang.