Page:History of Indian and Eastern Architecture Vol 2.djvu/629

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INDEX. Mahdvira, last Jaina Tirthankara, i. 41, 130, ii. 5 Mahawansa, or Buddhist history of Ceylon, i. 7, 224 ; accounts of structures in it, 63, 229, 238, 239, ii. 357 Mahe-nvar, ghat at, ii. 182 Mahinda and Sanghamitta, missionaries to Ceylon, i. 67, 113, 238, 243 Mahipala, inscription of, at Sarnath, i. 75 Mahishasura, a demon, ii. 125 Mahmiid of Ghazni, Somnath temple destroyed by, ii. 35 ; Sacked Mathura, 191 ; Tomb, 193, 194 Mahmudabad, Tomb of Mubarak Sayyid, near, ii. 243, 244 Majapahit, ancient city in Java, ii. 439 Makunda Deva's palace at Katak, ii. 112 Malabar, snake-worship in, i. 43 note. Malay peninsula, ancient Malaya-desa, ii. 374 note Malot. See Mulct Malwa, architecture of, ii. 188, 246-252 Mamallapuramor 'Seven Pagodas,' i. 34; Raths at, 124 note, 171-172, 217, 248, 3 2 7-338; Shore temple, 361, 362, ii. in note; Bas-relief, i. 341, ii. 125; Pavilion and stambha at, 79 ; Roof, A 4 M&na-stambha at .Sravana Belgola, ii. 75 Mandalay, monastery at, ii. 368 Mandapas, Mandapams, i. 309 Mandapejwar Brahmanical caves, i. 199 Mandu, capital of Malwa, its architec- ture, ii. 188, 246 ; Jami' Masjid, 248 ; Palaces, 250 Mangalacheti pagoda, Burma, ii. 356 Manikyaia topes, i. 88, 90, 94-99, 257 ; Relic casket, 99 Manjum, a Bodhisattwa, i. 175 Manmoda chaitya cave, i. 156-157 Mansingh II., chief of Amber, ii. 177 Markat Kesari, Orissan king, ii. 112 Martand, temple of, i. 254, 255, 259-264, 269, ii. 106 ; Plan, i. 259 ; view, 260 ; central cell of court, 261 ; date, 262- 263 ; Niche with figure, 263 ; Soffit of arch, 264 Martiniere, the, at Lucknow, ii. 324-326 ; View, 325 Mashita (Mschatta), Palace of Khosru Parviz at, ii. 198 Masson, Mr. C., exploration of the Jalalabad topes, by, i. 89-91 Mathia or Lauriya Navandgarh Lat, i. 57 Mathura, Jaina stupa and rail at, i. no ; Sculptures, 118, ii. 6 ; Krishna worship, seat of, ii. 108; Sacked by Mahmud of Ghazni, 191 ; Temple destroyed by Aurangzib, 321 Matris, images of, at Jajpur, ii. in VOL. II. Maurya dynasty (320-180 B.C.), i. 18-21 Mechanical skill of the Cambodians, ii. 433 Media, wooden architecture of, ii. 369 Megasthenes, ambassador of Seleukos to Chandragupta Maurya, i. 19 Meharauli iron pillar, Old Delhi, i. 60, ii. 207, 208 and note Mendang Kamvilan, now Prambanan, Java, ii. 433 Mendut temple, Java, ii. 429, 430 Meru, Mount, ii. 29, 349 Mihintale, Ceylon, dagabas at, i. 238 Mihirakula, Huna king, i. 24, 222, 272 Mihrabs or Qiblas in mosques, ii. 197, et passim Mihtari Mahall, gateway, Bijapur, ii. 278- 279 Minars and minarets : Surkh and Chakri near Kabul, i. 61 ; Ghazni, ii. 192, 194 ; Qutb, 205 ; Of mosques, 205, 214, 220, 225, 237 ; Gaur, 259 ; Samara, 469 Mingun, circular pagoda at, ii. 349 ; view, 350; MingCin-paya, 351, 425 Mirisaveti dagaba, Anur&dhapura, i. 230 note, 231-232 ModherS, Sun temple at, ii. 57, 106, 136, 182, 230 Moggalana or Maudgalyayana, relics of, i. 68, 71, 117. Monasteries or Viharas, i. 170 ; Gandhara, 209 ; Tibet, 291 ; Burma, ii. 365-369 ; view, 368 ; Pekin, 462 Monoliths at Dimapur, i. 288 Moonstones, ardhachandra thres- holds, i. 240, 241 note ; 430 Mori palace of Ratnasingh, at Chitorgadh, ii. 170 Mortar, non-users of, ii. 432 Mosques: Adinah, ii. 257; Agra, 317; Ahmadabad, 230 ; Ajmir, 210 ; Bharoch, 241 ; Bijapur, 269 ; Cambay, 241 ; Champanir, 242 ; Delhi, 318 ; Dhar, 246 ; Dholka, 244 ; Fathpur- Sikri, 295 ; Gaur, 257 ; Jaunpur, 224 ; Kalan Masjid, 219 ; Kashmir, 333 ; Kulbarga, 264 ; Mandu, 248; Mirzapur, AhmadaMd, 232 ; Muhifiz Khan's, 236 ; Qutb, 200 ; Sarkhej, 233 Moti Masjid, Agra, ii. 317, 320; View in courtyard, 318 Moti^h temple, vSatrunjaya, ii. 30 Mouhot, M., Researches in Cambodia, ii, 371 Mudabidri, Jaina temples at, ii. 75-77 ; Pillars, i. 289, ii. 78, 82 ; Tombs, 80 Mughal architecture, ii. 283 ; Originality of the buildings, 284 ; Works of Sher Shah, 286 ; Akbar, 288-302 ; Jahan- gir, 302-307 ; Shah Jahdn, 307-320 ; 'Alamglr, 320-323 ; Mysore and Oudh, 323-329 2 K