Page:History of Iowa From the Earliest Times to the Beginning of the Twentieth Century Volume 3.djvu/14

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Chapter Contents Pages
  —Action of the National Commission—The Orr Indemnity Bill Passes the House—Defeated in the Senate—The Crilly Patent Ignored—Further Action by Congress and the President—Another Supreme Court Decision Against the Settlers—Indemnity Finally Granted by Congress 229-247
XV Progress of Women in the Nineteenth Century—Early Work and Workers—Equal Rights Convention—Women in the Anti-Slavery Times—Legislation Relating to Suffrage—First Women Office Holders—Laws Relating to Property Rights of Women—Recent Workers in the Suffrage Cause—Women’s Clubs—Their Influence—State Federation of Women’s Clubs 249-262
XVI Brief Sketch of Early Education in Iowa—Statistics Showing the Development of the Public School System—Free Text Books and Compulsory Education—Denominational Colleges—The State University—State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts- Experimental Station—State Normal School—The Penitentiaries—Four Hospitals for Insane—School for the Deaf—Institution for Feeble-Minded Children—Industrial Schools for Boys and Girls—Soldiers’ Orphans’ Home—State Board of Control—State Historical Society—Historical Department—Grand Army of the Republic—State Agricultural Society—State Horticultural Society—Pioneer Lawmakers Association—Statistics from the Census 263-290
Early History of Iowa Counties 291-438
Directory of Public Officials 439-531