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How Jack slew this Giant, and got the name of Jack the Giant-killer.

JACK having undertaken this task, he furnished himself with a horn a shovel and pick axe, and over to the mount he goes. in the beginning of a dark winter, evening, where he fell to work, and before morning had digged a pit, and covered the fame over with long sticks and straw, then strowed a little of the mould upon it so that it appeared like the plain ground.

This done, Jack places himself on the contraryside of the pi , just about the dawning of the day, when putting his horn to his mouth, he then blew ton twivie ton twivie Which unexpected noise round the giant, who came roaring towards Jack crying out, you incorrigible villain, are you come hither to disturb my rest; you shall pay dearly for it; satisfaction I shall have and it shall be this; I will take you wholly and broil you for my breakfast—which words were no sooner out of his mouth, but he tumbled headlong into the deep pit, whose heavy fall made the very foundation of the mount to shake.

Oh! giant where are you now? faith, you are got into Job's Pond, where I shall plague you for your threatning words What do you think now of broiling me for your breakfast? will no other diet serve you bet poor Jack? Thus having tantalliz'd the giant for a while, he gave him a weighty knock upon the crown of the head with his pick axe. so that he immediately tumbled down, gave a most dreadful groan and died. This done, Jack threw the earth upon him and so burried him; then going and searching the cave he found a great quantity of treasure,

Now when the magistrates who employed him heard that it was over, they sent for him and declared, that he should be thenceforth called