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Jack, That their huſbands was ſlain by the Giant, and that they were kept many days without food: in order to force them to feed upon the fleſh of their huſbands; which they could not, if they were ſtarved to death.

Sweet Ladies, (quoth Jack) I have deſtroyed this Monſter, and his brutiſh brother, by which I have obtained your liberties. This ſaid, he preſented them with the keys of the caſtle, and ſo proceeded on his journey into Wales.

How Jack travelled into Flintſhire, and what happened.

JACK having but very little money, thought it prudent to make the beſt of his way by travelling as faſt as he could, but loſing his road was benighted and could not get a place of entertainment; untill he came to a valley, placed between two hills where ſtood a large houſe in a loneſome place, and by reaſon of his preſent condition, he took courage to knock at the gate; and to his ſurprize there came forth a monſtrous Giant, having two heads; yet he did tot ſeem ſo fiery as the others had been, for he was a Welſh Giant, and what he did was by private and ſecret malice under the falſe ſhew of friendſhip; for Jack telling his condition he bid him welcome ſhewing him a room with a bed in it, whereupon he might take his night's repoſe: Therefore Jack undreſſes himſelf, and as the Giant was walking away to another appartment, Jack heard him mutter theſe words to himſelf.

Tho' here you lodge with me this night,
You ſhall not ſee the morning light,
My club ſhall daſh your brains out right.