unseasonable sleep, frequent preaching in all weathers, especially in the night, has so debilitated me, that I am unfit often for my work. The reproaeh of those who called me to the ministry, I look upon as the device of the enemy to stop the Lord's work; but blessed be his grace that has kept me from mixing anger or seorn of them with my sorrow. Some have declared that I will never be honoured of the Lord to do his poor remnant good. But one thing I know, and may say, that the Lord has done me good. Oh! let none fear a suffering lot. Enemies think themselves satisfied that we are put to wander in mosses, and upon mountains; but even amidst the storms of these last two nights, I cannot express what sweet times I have had, when I had no eovering but the dark curtains of night. Yet, in the silent watch, my mind was led out to admire the deep and inexpressible oeean of joy, wherein the whole family of heaven swim. Each star led me to wonder what He must be who is the Star of Jaeob, of whom all stars borrow their shining. Indeed, if I may term it, I am mueh obliged to enemies; they have covered me many a table in the wilderness, and have made me friends where I never expeeted them."
When he ceased speaking, every one of the family strove to do him some kindness. The shepherd brought him elean hose and shoes; the herd his new nightcap; the lasses left their wheels and washed his feet; the gudewife prepared him a warm supper; while little Janet, worn out, was fast asleep at his side.
He remained another night with them, and was greatly bettered in his health. It