Page:History of John Cheap the chapman (1).pdf/18

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them make a terrible noise, so that their old mother came to argue the matter, running upon me with open mouth but I gave her such a rout over her long snout, as caused her to roar out murder in her own language, and alarmed the servants, who came to see what was the matter. I told them their old sow was going to swallow me up alive, bid them to go and bring her meat, which they did, and the brute became peaceable.

On the Sabbath morning I came into the house, the goodman asked me if I could shave any; yes, said I, but never did on the Sabbath-day; I fancy, said he, you are some Westland Whig? Sir, said I, you may suppose me to be what you think proper to-day, but yesternight you used me like a Tory, when you sent me into the stye to lie in the sow’s oxter, who is a fitter companion for a devil than any human creature; the next abominable brute upon the earth, said I, who was forbidden to be eaten under the law, and cursed under the gospel. Be they cursed or be they bless’d, said he, I wish I had anew of them; but an’ ye will not take aff my