Page:History of Joseph & his brethren.pdf/14

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When Joseph knew his pious father lay
On his sick bed, to him he hastes away,
Joseph he brought Manasseh and Ephraim,
Placed them before his father's eyes now dim,
At sight of them, cries Jacob, "Who are these?"
"My sons," says Joseph, "from between my knees."
When near, he kissed them, and with sweet embrace
Admires his GOD before his Joseph's faco.
These boys of thine which were in Egypt born,
They shall be mine, not orphans or forlorn.
Manasseh he blest, commended to his GOD,
Bids him to mark the steps that Abraham trod,
Displeased was Joseph to see his elder son
Put by, and the younger tho blessing won ;
But Jacob replied, "Son, I know it well,
For Ephraim shall unto great nations swell."