the Session earnestly desire for Mr Short and his family in their new home good health and the blessings of the Gospel."
In August 1891 Mr John Reith, who for twenty-nine years had served the Church in several relations, was appointed to an important position in Wellington. On the occasion of Mr Reith's resignation of his connection with Knox Church, the Session adopted the following minute:—"On receiving the resignation of Mr John Reith's eldership in the congregation the Session have pleasure in bearing testimony to his many services to Knox Church for over a quarter of a century as an elder, as superintendent of Mt. Cargill Sabbath School and preaching station for many years, as superintendent of the Main Sabbath School, and as the originator of the teachers' class for the study of the lessons, teacher of the first Bible Class that met on Sabbath afternoon, and founder of the Gift Day Festival. In these departments of spiritual work Mr Reith displayed striking ability and devotion, which have left their mark for good more extensively than the Session can express. His relation to the weekly prayer meeting was very close, and his assistance was much appreciated. His family followed his example in devotion to the congregation and its institutions. The Session further congratulate him upon his appointment to represent the Book and Bible Depot in Wellington, and express their confidence that he will prove eminently helpful in diffusing literature of a healthy tone, and that he will continue to use in the service of the Gospel the great energy and practical wisdom which he showed in our church and city. The Session heartily commend him and his family to the grace of God, and to the church with which they may identify themselves."
In March 1892 Mr Duncan Wright, one of the elders of Knox Church, left New Zealand to enter on the work of an evangelist under the Evangelisation Society of Victoria. An account is given in chapter V. of Mr Wright's valuable services while under an engagement as congregational missionary and superintendent of the main Sabbath School. Since the termination of this engagement he has given himself wholly to the work of an evangelist. The Session of Knox Church, in a resolution adopted on March 2, 1892, bear the following testimony to Mr Wright's character and services:—"In view of the retirement of Mr Duncan Wright from the eldership in the congregation, the Session record their appreciation of his many services to its