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Page:History of Manchester (1771), Volume 1, by John Whitaker.djvu/57

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3 8 T HE HUT OR Y / Bodkl. And the north -eaftern was extended as many yards in breadth and about feventy-five in length, even up to the great road of enterance into the ft at ion. .. :;. * 1 Tacitus c. xx. Civ hates— prseiidiis caftellifque circumdatae. Here the word Circumdatae plainly (hews the common opinion to be falfe, which fixes the generality <o£ thefe forts al<png the line of Hadrian's future wall.— * See b. I. ch, Ui.-4e& £* &c, — 3 Vegetius lib. iii. c. 3. edit. 1679, Veflaliae Cljvorum .in 2 V.

  • Horfeley p. 109. But this wa$ Jiot (as Horfeley fuppofes it to

be) peculiar to the Romans as natives of Italy. More than half of the Romans in the ifland were natives of colder countries than , Jtaly, as the Gauls the Batavians the FrielUpdersr&c, &rc. (S$e

Horfeley's inferiptions). And the hun^a conftitution, as fiicb,

t muft have naturally affe&ed a fi&uthcrly potion in the cold, bleak and wooded ftate of our ifland at that periQd.— s Vegetius lib, i#. c. S. and Caefar p. 90.— 6 1 tin. Cur. p. 100. and Camden c 875. -mi Vegetiu6 lib. Hi. c. 8, Super <juem ad fimilitudinem n^nri et pinnae et prppugnacula componuaftir.~~* See alfo Camdsn p. 624. ibr earmentum lateritiis fruftulis intritum *t Ambkfide, and fee Itin. CurioC p. 96. for the other.-*-* Vegetius lib. tin c. 8. — ■• Plates m Itin- Cur. Sec alfo Horfeley p. 14.5. and Phil.Traof.

  • 759* P* J 3* &c»-^- li Vegetiup lib* L c. 23.*-^ " Graevius tem.f.

c 944,-^ 13 Vegetius lib. tin c 8. v -. „ j j •/ ir. ... * THE new^ere&ed Jfort in tihe Caftle-field now became a ft 4- tionary ca#rura of the Romans, and the Romans riovtr fettled a r garrifpn within it. The aew-erefted fort in the Caftle-field Aw retained the name of the antient fortrefs upon it, and Maricenioh was only changed into Mancvnium «. And this fmall change in the appellation muft obvioufly have refulted from a particu- larity in, the pronunciation 6f the namq among t be Britons, as th$ name of the town *upon the river Kennet wais fimilafiy 5 changed