44 THE HISTORY Book R. but more brightly coloured than, the brown china of Stafford- fhire. This and the other urns we muft obvioufly prefume to have been fabricated where they were found, there being in ail. probability a pottery more or lefs confiderable at every ftation... And our pottery at Mancunium, vhich might be fupplied with proper clays from many places in the precin&s of Manchefter», feems plainly from this fpecimen of its fkill to have been a very confiderable one, and, to have had very confiderable artifts en--, gaged in it 5 . This coral-coloured veifel is ornamented witht various figures and devices, all equally fanciful and unmeaning,, and has the name of the maker embofled upon it. Upon the. bellying part of the bowl, and juft above the little circle on which: it ftands, is written in fmall Roman capitals adv.ocisi.. And it is plainly the Romanized name of a foreigner, and pretty cer- tainly the name of the Frifian mafter-potter to the.Frifian gar-* rifon 6 * Other or the fame parts of the ground were employed' in the: fupport of military difcipline, by the erection of honorary mo- numents and the ihfli&ion of difgraceful puniihments upon, them.. The infli&ion of punifhnrents muft have been .confined, to the, ground which lies on the weftera fide of the ftation, the military delinquents being condu&ecl through the Porta De-> cumana of the camp,., and punifhed immediately without the wcftern> vallum. Y And at the execution of fuch. punifhments as were capital the muficians of the- garriforv afliftcd, and' conti- nued all the time founding the. charge of war But the ereftion of honorary monuments was probably confined to no part. Few probably were ere&ed hi: any. And only one has been difcovered. It was difcovered in. the beginning of the laft century, but was removed or deftroyed before the middle of it '. The infcription however had. been previoufly copied by the learned Warden, of the Collegiate Church, and was inferted in the laft edition of the Britannia aslhave delineated it in. the plate. This. infcription obvioufly mentions the firft. cohort of the. Fri- fians, and incontcftably proves it to have been ftationed in tho Caftlerfield. s This,, the important part of the infcription, is certain.
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