Page:History of Montellion.pdf/11

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she had been long loved by Palian aforementioned, who was waiting an occasion to tell his mind to her. Praxantia discovered her love to Launela her nurse, desiring her to discover it to him: who just then passed by the garden gate, where Palian was waiting for an opportunity of admittance, and had fallen asleep with his face downwards. The nurse coming down, and taking him for Montellion, thus accosted him. Are you Montellion? to whom Palian made no answer, but asked why she enquired? It is replied she, to discover a matter of importance to you; a noble lady is in love with you. At this he started up, and entreated to know her name.—It is no less said she, than the princess Praxantia; at which name Palian was almost in raptures; so it was agreed he should be entertained in her chamber, where no light should be had to discover her blushes.—Palian in the mean time sounding Montellion, and finding him ignorant, resolved to venture; and being admitted, kissed her hand, and vowing constant loyalty, she at last promised him marriage, and leaving him went to bed; but he