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to marry her; but he supposing her to be debauched by Palian, flung away, from her; and gave over all thoughts of courtship; and seeking Pericles, he went with him in search of Constantia.

They had scarce arrived on the confines of Arabia when they met two damsels weeping, and riding in haste, who told him their mistress Philotheta was violently forced out of her garden by three giants, and that they were going to get her assistance, and commended her beauty highly; it so wrought on Montellion, that he resolved to rescue her; and being directed the road, they went on till they came to two ways, not knowing which to take, they both parted. ’Twas Montellion’s lot in about five miles very hard riding to overtake these monsters, dragging along the lady by the hair of her head; so coming up and drawing his sword, he said, Villains, unbind the lady; upon which two of them were for carrying her away, while the other flew at Montellion, but he soon laid him dead at his feet; the others seeing this, one got off with the lady, and the other advanced towards Mon-