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the wilderness, which should be of the same date as the enchanted tower. Amphiador gave it out that Delatus was slain, and so gained the affection of Assala that he married her, and had with her the dukedom; but the true duke coming home, Amphiador fled into Persia, resolving to satisfy his lust upon Philotheta; and as he was mediating thus, he found out Praxantia lamenting the loss of Montellion’s love, whereupon he invited her to an entertainment, after which he stole into her room, and forced her to fly naked into another chamber; where her servants bound him and left him, and he was there starved to death.

Constantia and Montellion coming to Delatus’s house, he assured her that Montellion was her son; which she soon found to be true, by enquiring into his life; the which also rejoiced Pericles, and there was feasting for many days. Palian set up a tent for the entertainment of stangers, to which Philotheta and Praxantia came in disguise; and Montellion coming into the inner part of the tent, where Praxantia was sitting alone, she enticed him to