Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/142

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44 PREPARATIONS 1787 it may not be advisable to make some alteration in the provisions, Febniuy. bj allowing the marines a proportion of flour, in lieu of a certain proportion of salt meat, and some addition to the provisions served to the convicta At present a convict has only, for forty-two Proxisiona. days, 16 lb, of bread, as will appear to your lordship by ihe enclosed list Pr^ijfoo^ And I likewise beg leave to solicit your lordship that orders may be given for the supplying both marines and convicts with fresh meat and vegetables while they remain at Spithead, and that a small quantity of wine may be allowed for the sick. P.S. — I likewise beg leave to represent to your lordship that Contractore. the contractors having a power of substituting J ft. of rice in lieu of 1 fi). of flour will be very severely felt by the convicts. The specific powers with which he thought it advisable Specific that he should be invested, in order to provide against any emergencies that might arise, formed the subject of a letter to the Under Secretary, dated March 1st. He begins by pointing out that, as he is placed under the control of the Home OflSice in all matters, it is necessary that his instructions should be as precise as possible. From the letter I have received from the Admiralty, and of which 1 enclose a copy, you will see that respecting my 11th, 12th, and 13th queries, the Board declines giving any answer. As I am Under the to be entirely under the direction of the Secretary of State im- Home Office, mediately after I arrive on the coast of New South Wales, for what regards the Naval Department as well as respecting the settlement, I must request your particular attention to the following circum- stances in drawing up my instructions : — Wine. That I am directed to order wine to be purchased on the passage, at Teneriffe, or where it can be procured ; for circumstances may prevent my taking on board the quantity intended at Teneriffe, or perhaps any part of it, and it may be got at the Cape or elsewhere. Hospital That I may employ one of the transports as a hospital ship, if I find it necessary on the passage. Fresh meat That I Order the marines and con'icts to be supplied with fresh meat and vegetables at such places as I may stop at on the passage, and to order the Commissary to draw bills on the Treasury for such supplies. Digitized by Google