Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/26

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xxii INDEX OF AUTHORITIES. Paice Dictionary of National Biography 47 1 -4r Doyle, The English in America ..' vii „ History of America 16,489 Duff, Voyage of the 93 Echard, History of England 456 Edwards, History of the West Indies 17,27 Encyclopaedia Britannica 517 Eyre, Journals of Expeditions 132,141-2,146 Favenc, History of Australian Exploration xi, zxxi Federal and State Constitutions of the United States 487-9 Finlason, Mai'tial Law 202-4 Flanagan, History of New South Wales vi, 265 Flinders, Voyage to Terra Australis ... xxxii, Ixxv, Ixxxiv, 31, 86, 90, 170-4 Forrest, Explorations in Australia 169 Fumeaux, Captain, NaxTative 28, 174 Gentleman's Magazine 364-5,376,467 Goldsmith, Retaliation ... 384 Grenville Papers 384 Grey, Journals of Two Expeditions ... 126, 129, 131-3, 150-4, 291, 552-4 Griffiths, Chronicles of Newgate 221-7,239 Hakluyt Society, The Three Voyages of Martin Frobisher xxxvii, 13 Haklnyt, Master 90 Hamilton, Voyage round the World 174 Hansard, New South Wales 265 Harris, Collection of Voyages xxv Hawkesworth, Voyages xl-xliii, Ixvii, 46, 64, 78, 329 Haydn, Dictionary of Dates 232,385 Hervey, Australia xxxix Helps, Spanish Conquest in America 386 History of New Holland 24, 29, 93, 4^2, 464 Hogarth, The Idle 'Prentice sent to Sea 220 „ „ executed at Tyburn 221 Holt, Memoirs 151,399,520,530 Howard, State of the Prisons 222,448 Hunter, Historical Journal 72, 98, 120-1, 124, 135, 141-6-9, 160 163, 182-3-7-9, 190-2, 200-2, 242-4 252-7, 267-9, 314, 342, 489, 518-9, 520 Jamaica, History of [anon] 17,460 Jefferson, Works 19 Jesse, Memoirs of George the Third 2,3 Johnston, Report of the Trial by Court-martial 215 Kelynge's Reports 16 Knight, London 223 Labilliere, Early History of Victoria 92 Landman, Adyentures and Recollections 497-8-9 Lang, Historical Account of New South Wales vi, 6, 180, 338, 381 Digitized by Google