Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/557

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HEADS OF A PLAN. 433 her navigation, and a tender of about two hundred tons burthen, 1786 commanded by discreet officers, should be got ready as soon as supe possible to serve as an escort to the convict ships, and for other wi»>*«^ purposes hereinafter mentioned. That, in addition to their crews, they should take on board two companies of marines, to form a military establishment on shore, Marines. not only for the protection of the settlement, if required, against the natives, but for the preservation of good order, together with an assortment of stores, and utensils and implements necessary for storas and erecting habitations and for agriculture ; and such quantities of provisiona. provisions as may be proper for the use of the crews. As many of the marines as possible should be artificers, such as Artifioen» carpenters, surveyors, smiths, potters, if possible, and some hus- ^^ bandmen. To have a chaplain on board, with a surgeon and one cfaapiaio. mate at least, the former to remain at the settlement. That these vessels should touch at the Cape of Grood Hope, or any other places that may be convenient, for any seed that may Live stock be requisite to be taken from thence, and for such live stock as *"** ■***• they can possibly contain, which it is supposed can be procured there without any sort of difficulty, and at the most reasonable rates, for the use of the settlement at larga That Government should immediately provide a certain number of ships of a proper burthen to receive on board at least seven Transports. or eight hundred convicts, and that one of them should be properly fitted for the accommodation of the women, to prevent their inter- course with the men. That these ships shoidd take on boai*d as much provisions as they can possibly stow, or at least a sufficient quantity for two Two vean* years' consumption, supposing one year's to be issued at whole provisions, allowance, and the other year's provisions at half -allowance, which will last two years longer ; by which time it is presumed that the colony, with the live stock and grain which may be raised by a common industry on the part of the new settlers, will be fully sufficient for their maintenance and support. That, in addition to the crews of the ships appointed to contain the convicts, a company of marines should be divided between Guards tor them, to be employed as guards for preventing ill consequences *'»"»p**'*"- that might arise from dissatisfaction amongst the convicts, and for the protection of the crews in the navigation of the ships from insults that might be offered by the convicts. That each of the ships should have on board at least two surgeons, surgeons' mates to attend to the wants of the sick, and should be supplied with a proper assortment of medicine and instruments, and that two of them should remain with the settlement. Digitized by Google