Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/599

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COMBOSSION. 476 forth patent in form following : George the Third bj the Grace of 1787 God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith <fec. To onr trusty and well-beloved Arthur Phillip Esquire Wee reposing especial trust and confidence in the prudence and courage and loyalty of you the said Arthur Phillip of our especial grace certain knowledge and meer motion have thought fit to con- stitute and appoint and by these presents do constitute and appoint The you the said Arthur Phillip to be our Captain-General and ^JJ^f™*** Govemor-in-Ghief in and over our territory called New South Wales extending from the Northern Cape or extremity of the coast called Cape York in the latitude of ten degrees thirty-seven minutes south t.^ the southern extremity of the said territory of New South Wales or South Cape in the latitude of forty-three d^rees thirty-nine minutes south and of all the country inland westward as far as the one hundred and thirty-Mth degree of east longitude reckoning from the meridian of Greenwich including all the islands adjacent in the Pacific Ocean within the latitudes Limits aforesaid of ten degrees thirty-seven minutes south and forty-three of the degrees thirty-nine minutes south and of all towns garrisons castles ^' forts and all other fortifications or other military works which may be hereafter erected upon the said territory or any of the said islands. And Wee do hereby require and command you to do and execute all flings in due manner that shall belong to your said command The and trust Wee have reposed in you according to the several powers ^^Je™f<i^ and directions granted or appointed you by this present Commis- by his eom- aion and the instructions and authorities herewith given to you or ™Jtrui^oDs. by such further powers instructions and authorities as shall at any time hereafter be granted or appointed you under our signet and sign manual or by our order in our Privy Council. And our will and pleasure is that you the said Arthur Phillip after the publication of these our Letters Patent do in the first to take the place take the oaths appointed to be taken by an Act passed in the ^^^ first year of the reign of King George the First intituled An Act for the further security of his Majesty's person and Government ajid the succession of the Crown in the heirs of the late Princess Sophia being Protestants and for extinguishing the hopes of the pretended Prince of Wales and his c^en and secret abettors, as jtltered and explained by an Act passed in the sixth year of our r«gn intituled An Act for altering the oath of abjuration and the assurance and for amending so much of an Act of the seventh year of her late Majesty Queen Anne intituled An Act for the improve- ment of the Union of the two Kingdoms as after the time therein limitted requires the delivery of certain lists and copies therein mentioned to persons indicted of high treason or misprision of treason : Digitized by Google