Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/605

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481 PHILLIP'S INSTRUCTIONS. George R Instructions for our trusty and well-beloved Arthur Phillip, Esq., 1787 our Captain-General and Govemor-in-Chief in and over our territory of New South Wales and its dependencies, or to the Lieutenant-Governor or Commander-in-Chief of the said terri- tory for the time being. Given at our Court at St. James's, the 23rd day of April, 1787, in the twenty-seventh year of our reign. With these our Instructions you will receive our Commission under our Great Seal constituting and appointing you to be our Captain- General and Govemor-in-Chief of our territory called New South Wales, extending from the northern cape or extremity of the coast, called Gape York, in the latitude of 10° 37' south, to the southern extremity of the said territory of New South Wales, or South commisgion Cape, in the latitude of 43' 39' south, and of all the country inland «« Governor, to the westward as far as the 135° of east longitude, reckoning from the meridian of Greenwich, including all the islands adjacent in the Pacific Ocean within the latitudes aforesaid — 10* 37' south and 43° 39' south — and of all towns, garrisons, castles, forts, and all other fortifications or other military works which may be here- after erected upon the said territory or any of the said islands, with directions to obey such orders and instructions as shall from instmc- time to time be given to you, under our signet and sign manual, or *'°°®- by our Orders in our Privy Council. You are therefore to fit yourself with all convenient speed and to hold yourself in readiness to repair to your said command, and being arrived to take upon you the execution of the trust we have reposed in you as soon as conveniently may be, with all due solemnity to cause our said Commission under our Great Seal of Commission Great Britain constituting you our Governor and Commander-in- [J pubfic. Chief as aforesaid to be read and published. And whereas We have ordered that about 600 male and about 180 female convicts now under sentence or order of transportation, order for whose names are contained in the list hereunto annexed, should aSSSJ^'** be removed out of the gaols and other places of confinement in this our kingdom, and be put on board the several transport ships which have been taken up for their reception : It is our royal will and pleasure that as soon as the said convicts, the several persons composing the civil establishments, and the stores, provisions, &c., provided for their use shall be embarked on board the Supply Digitized by Google