Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/607

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INSTRUCTIONS. 483 it may be requisite to procure for the use of the marines or con- 1787 victs at thoee places, and transmitting information to the Com- missioners of our Treasury of such proceedings. And whereas it is intended that several of the transport ships Tnosports and victuallers which are to accompany you to New South Wales ^^ ^ should be employed in bringing home cargoes of tea and other merchandize from China, for the use of the £a8t India Company, provided they can arrive at Canton in due time, whereby a very considerable saving would arise to the public in the freight of these vessels : It is our royal will and pleasure that upon your arrival at Botany Bay, on the said coast of New South Wales, you do cause every possible exertion to be made for disembarking the officers to be and men composing the civil and military establishments, together ud^^mL with the convicts, stores, provisions, &c., and having so done you are to discharge all the said transports or victuallers in order that such of them as may be engaged by the East India Company may proceed to China, and that the rest may return home. You will, however, take care, before the said transport ships are discharged, to obtain an assignment to you or the Govemor-in-Chief for the AsBignment time being, from the masters of them, of the servitude of the Jj ^^7**"*** several convicts for the remainder of the times or terms specified Governor, in their several sentences or orders of transportation. According to the best information which We have obtained. Botany Bay appears to be the most eligible situation upon the said Botany Bay. coast for the first establishment, possessing a commodious harbour . and other advantages which no part of the coast hitherto discovered affords. It is therefore our will and pleasure that you do, imme- diately upon your landing, after taking measures for securing your- self and the people who accompany you as much as possible from any attacks or interruptions of the natives of that country, as well as for the preservation and safety of the public stores, proceed to the cultivation of the land, distributing the convicts for that pur- Cultivation pose in such manner, and under such inspectors or overseers, and <>'**»« i»d. under such regulations as may appear to you to be necessary and best calculated for procuring supplies of grain and ground pro- visiona The assortment of tools and utensils which have been tooU and provided for the use of the convicts and other persons who are to '^^«'«"»- compose the intended settlement are to be distributed according to your discretion, and according to the employment assigned to the several persons. In the distribution, however, you will use every proper degree of economy, and be careful that the Commissary do Economy, transmit an account of the issues from time to time to the Com- missioners of our Treasury, to enable them to judge of the pro- priety or expediency of granting further supplies. The clothing of clothing, the convicts, and the provisions issued to them and the civil and military establishments, must be accounted for in the «ame manner. Digitized by Google