Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/65

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SKETCH. Iv for Cook's second expedition, the share of glory " obtained by Banks and Solander seems to have excited the ambition of many others — among them being Johnson himself ; — BoswELL : " Had not you some desire to go upon this expeUition, sir ?" JoHXSON : " Why, yes ; but I soon laid it aside. Sir, there is very little of intellectual, in the course. Besides, I see but at a small dis- tance. So it was not worth my while to go to see birds fly, which I should not have seen fly ; and fishes swim, which I should not have si&Qn swim.'*' There was a third party, it seems, who was entitled to a ^' share of glory *' from the great expedition, and whose claims were frankly admitted by the Dr. — as appears from a letter he wrote to Banks on the subject -. — To Joseph Banks, Esq., Johnson's Court, Fleet-street, Feb. 27, 1772. Perpetua ambita bis terra praemia lactis Haec habet altrici Capra secunda Jovis,* Sir, — I return thanks to you and to Dr. Solander, for the pleasure which I received in yesterday's conversation. T could not recollect a motto for your goat, but have given her one. You, sir, may perhaps have an epic poem from some happier pen than, sir, your most humble servant, Sam. Johnson.

  • Thus translated by a friend : —

In fame scarce second to the nurse of Jove, This goat, ^rho twice the world had traversed round, Deserving both her master's care and love, £ase and perpetual pasture now has found. — lb., vol. i. p. 533. Digitized by Google