Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/663

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COURT. 6S9 as if they had been attainted and convicted of any piracies, felonies, 1787 and robberies according to a statute made in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of Bong Henry the Eighth for tryals of treasons, 28 Hen. felonies, robberies, murthera and confederacies commited upon the ^"^' ^ "• sea : Whidi said first-recited Act by another Act made in the fifth year of the reign of our late Royal Predecessor Queen Anne, was continued from the expiration thereof for the further tenn of seven years and from then to the end of the then next session of Parlia- ment which by another Act made in the first year of the reign of our late Royal Ancestor King George the First was revived from the thirty-ninth day of September 1715 and was to be in force iiwid^2 during the continuance of that Act which was to continue for five c. Ti'made years and from then to the end of the next session of Parliament perpetual, and which by an Act made in the sixth year of the reign of our said late Royal Ancestor KingCreorge the Firstwas made perpetual : And whereas by one other Act of Parliament made in the eighth year of the reign of our said late Royal Ancestor King George the s Geo. i. First entituled an Act for the more effectual suppressing of Piracy ®* ^*- (reciting as therein is recited) It is amongst other things thereby enacted that all and every person and persons therein and thereby declared to be guilty of or accessory or accessories to any piracy felony or robbery shall and may be enquired of, heard, determined and adjudged of and for all or any the matters contained in the Procedure, said last-recited Act according to the said statute made in the eleventh and twelfth years of his late Majesty King William the Third and that all and every person being thereupon attainted and convicted should have and suffer such pain of death and loss of lands goods and chattels as pirates and robbers ought by the said Punishment Act of the eleventh and twelfth years of his late Majesty King ^^^^^ William the Third to suffer : Now know ye that in pursuance of the said recited Act of the eleventh and twelfth year of the reign of his said late Majesty King William the Third and of the eighth year of our said late Royal Ancestor King George the First, of our special grace certain knowledge and meer motion have made constituted and appointed and by these presents do hereby constitute and appoint you the ciommu- said Arthur Phillip Esquire, and our Captain-General and ^^ "^^^S?*^ vemor-in-Chief of the said territory called New South Wales for *pp**™ the time being, Robert Ross Esquire, and our Lieutenant-Governor of the said territory called New South Wales for the time being, Andrew Millar Esquire, and the Commissary of Stores and Pro- visions of the said territory called New South Wales for the time being, Augustus Alt Esquire and the Surveyor of Lands in the said territory called New South Wales for the time being, Digitized by Google