Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/666

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542 COMMISSIONER 1787 administer the sune to every person who shall sit and have a vote in the said Court upon the tryal o£ such prisoner or priaoners as aforesaid. And lastly We do hereby direct empower and require you our Court to be said CkjmmJssioners to proceed act adjudge and determine in all ftatutes and things according to the powers authorities and directions of the oommiaaion. above>recited Acts and of these presents. And these presents or the entry or registering thereof in our High Court of Admiralty shall be unto you and each and every one of you for so doing a sufficient warrant and discharge. In witness whereof we have caused the Great Seal of our Hi^ Court of Admiralty of England to be hereunto affixed. Given at London the fifth day of May in the year of cor Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven and of our reign the twenty-seventh. GoDF. Lee Fareant, Begistrar. Authority to act Orden-in- Council. Felons tiansportod LETTERS PATENT EMPOWERING GOVERNOR PHILLIP TO REMIT SENTENCES. 8 November, 179L George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so forth. To our trusty and well-beloved Arthur Phillip Esquire our Captain-General and Govemor-in-Chief in and over our territory called New South Wales and to our Lieutenant-Governor of our said territory for the time being, greeting : Whereas several orders have been made by us by and with the advice of our Privy Council in pursuance of authority given to us in that behalf by an Act of Parliament passed in the twenty-fomth year of our reign intituled An Act for the effectual transportstion of felons and other offenders and to authorise the removal of prisoners in certain cases and for other purposes therein mentioned declaring and appointing by and with the advice aforesaid that the eastern coast of New South Waies and the islands thereunto adjacent should be the place or places beyond sea to which certain felons and other offenders should be conveyed and transported : And whereas several felons and other offenders have in pur- suance of the said Act been conveyed and transported to the eastern •ooordingb'. coast of New South Wales or the islands thereunto adjacent there to remain during the terms or times for which they were respec^ tively sentenced to be transported by Courts in wluch they were 89verally convicted : And whereas We by and with the advice of our Privy Coanci] may hereafter declare and appoint the place or places aforesaid Digitized by Google