Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/672

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548 VISIT OF HOPE. 1787 Setting fire to a house to defraud the insurance office. Making and selling fireworks and squibs. Throwing the same when on fire about the streets. Uttering base money. Selling base money under its denominated value. Embezzlement in the woollen, silk, and other manufactures. Oifences by artificers and servants in various trades. Combinations and conspiracies for raising the price of wages. Smuggling run goods, and other frauds relative to the excise and customs. Keeping bawdy-houses and other disorderly houses. VISIT OF HOPE TO SYDNEY COVE. Where Sydney Cove her lucid bosom swells, Courts her young navies and the storm repels ; High on a rock amid the troubled air Hope stood sublime, and wav'd her golden hair ; Calm'd with her rosy smile the tossing deep. And with sweet accents charm'd the winds to sleep ; To each wild plain she stretched her snowy hand, EUgh waving wood, and sea-encircled strand.

  • Hear me,' she cried, * ye rising realms ! record
  • Time's opening scenes, and Truth's unerring word. —
  • There shall broad streets their stately walls extend,
  • The circus widen and the crescent bend ;
  • There, ray'd from cities o'er the cultured land,
  • Shall bright canals and solid roads expand
  • There the proud arch, Colossus-like, bestride
  • Yon glittering streams and bound the chafing tide ;
  • Embellish'd villas crown the landscape scene,
  • Farms wave with gold and orchards blush between.
  • There shall tall spires and dome-capt towers ascend,

' And piers and quays their massy structures blend ;

  • While with each breeze approaching vessels glide,
  • And northern treasures dance on every tide I '

Then ceas'd the nymph ; tumultuous echoes roar, And Joy's loud voice was heard from shore to shore. Her graceful steps descending press'd the plain. And Peace, and Art, and Labour join'd her train. Digitized by Google