Page:History of New South Wales from the records, Volume 1.djvu/693

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OF TERRA AUSTRAUS. ^LUtresBed projector, and it appearing tbat his proposals were made princi- Biblio- pally with a view to his own relief, they obtainea little attention. They grap]iy«  were referred to the Admiralty, and afterwards to the South Sea Company, . _, jt Committee of which Company examined and " found the matter out of l^eir bounds. '* The beads of Welbe's scheme were, to give them in bu own ^ords, as follows : —

  • ' For a good fourth- rate ship of the nav^ to be equipped for the voyage,

to carry 1^ men, having only her upper tier of guns mounted, leaving the Test ashore for the convenience of stowing additional provisions, and for the ^aso of the ship. The ooQ^inff copper to oe bung like a still, so that when water is wanted, *we can distil salt water and make fresh. Also a brisan- tine tender to be provided. To go round Cape Home to the Island Juan Fernandez ; thence to the Solomon Islands, discovered 160 years ago by the Spaniards, but the Court of Spain did not think tit to settle them by reason ^ey had not entirely settled the main land of Pern. On amving, to search and discover what that country abounds in, and to trapan some of the inhabitants on board and bring them to England, who when they have learnt our language will be proper interpreters.'* He proposes afterwards to saU to New Guinea, which he supposed to be a part of Terra AnstnJis, and there to make the like examination. Welbe several times renewed his proposals. His plan and application have been preserved in the Sloane collection of Manuscripts, and his last application is dated in the latter part of the year 1716, from Wood-street Coinpter, where he was then confined for debt. He complains in it that he was Drought to distress by fourteen months' attendance, havinff in that time presented three petitions to the King, besides petitioning the Treasury and the Admiralty £oard» without receiving any definite answer. Pnrry : — A few years later a little volume, in two parts, advising the settlement of colonies in South Africa and South Australia^ ^as published in Amsterdam, bearing these titles : — Aanmerkingen ; Betreffende de knst der Kafiers, en bet Landt van Pieter l^uyts : Ten opzigte van de nuttigheit, die de Oostindische compafi;nie, van •dttselve voor baarenkoophandel zoude konnen trekken [emblem with motto, '* Terrae dum prodm **]. ISmo., pp. 114. t' Amsterdam, by B. en G. Wet- atein, 1718. Tweede Aanmerkingen; Betreffende de kust der Kaffers; en bet landt van Pieter Nuyts : Dienende tot opholdering der voorstellingen in de eerste gedaan, ten nutte van de oostindische oompagnie [emblem]. 18mo., pp. 116. t'Amsterdam, 1^ R. en G. Wetstein, 1718. This work was issued in French in the same year : — Memoire sur le Pais des Cafres, et la Terre de Nuyts. Par rapport i utility que la Compagnie dee Indes Orientales en pourroit xetirer pour son commerce. 18mo., pp. 83. Amsterdam, 1718. Second Memoire sur le Pais dee Cafres, et la Terre de Nuyts, servant d*eclairciBsement aux propositions faites dans le premier, pour 1 utility de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales. 18mo., pp. 77. Amsterdam, 1718. The first memoir was originally addressed by Jean Pierre Puiry, k Batavia le 20 de mai 1717, to S. £. Mens. Christophol van Swol, Gouvemeur-Generale des Indes Orientales des Pais Bas. It is here printed in the author's mother-tongne, and addressed to Messeigneurs les deputez a I'assembl^de des diz-sept., representant la compagnie generale des Indes Orientales, des pais bas : i Amaterdam ce 23 juillet 1718,— to whom the second memoir was also addressed,.! September, 1718. Digitized by Google